Chinese ocumo arepas recipe

If you are looking for arepas without flour, you came to the right place. Chinese ocumo arepas are a wonderful option for those who do not want to use any type of flour or for people with celiac disease.

The Chinese ocumo is one of my favorite vegetables, its flavor with a slight spicy touch is unique! For this reason, this ingredient enriches the arepa, in addition to its nutritional value.

At this article, we couldn’t ignore this culinary delight that comes from the Caribbean. For its incredible nutritional contributions and few demands when cooking.

Ingredients to make Arepas de ocumo chino:

  • 3 large Chinese ocumos (or taro)
  • 3 teaspoons vegetable oil or butter (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make arepas de ocumo chino:

How easy it is to make arepas without flour! First, wash and cut the Chinese ocumo or taro into pieces. Remember to remove any damaged parts of the vegetable.

Place the cut ocumo in a saucepan with water and wait for it to boil. When the vegetables are soft and you can easily pierce them with a fork, they are ready.

Place a strainer with the pieces of ocumo and open the tap, let a little water run over the vegetables. Remove the shell.

Tip: When you boil vegetables, in most cases if you then submerge them in water or let enough water run over them, you can easily remove the shell. Grind the Chinese ocumos very well, until creating a consistent puree for the arepas without flour. Add salt to taste.

Tip: Use the oil just to soften it a bit.

Knead the puree until it becomes a homogeneous and consistent mass. You should dissolve any lumps. Create as many balls as Chinese ocumo arepas you want. This recipe makes 6 medium arepas without flour. Mold the arepas and form a kind of thick disk. The thickness depends on your taste.

Tip: If you find any hard part of the vegetable, which was not cooked, remove it from the mixture.

In a pre-heated skillet, place the arepas de ocumo chino. Cook 5 minutes on each side. If you want, then finish cooking two more minutes in the oven. One minute for each face.  Arepas without flour will be left with a more delicious texture.

Trick: Grease the pan or griddle with a little oil or butter, so that the arepas do not stick. Whenever you prepare them, do this step.

And that’s it, one of my favorites! The Chinese ocumo arepa. You can eat this delicacy as much as you want. I feel like it in her “queen pepiada” version. MMM!

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