Chiloe Stew Recipe

Chiloe Stew Recipe

Chiloe Stew Recipe

Today we are going to follow a very popular Nicaraguan recipe, it is the chelate stew or tender corn, a dish that yields a lot and has a truly spectacular flavor and texture.

If you want to know the correct procedure for cooking Chiloe, the best thing is to stay and keep paying attention to this recipe that you will surely like.

Ingredients to make Chiloe Stew:Chiloe Stew Recipe

  • 25 Chelates or tender Elutes
  • ½ stick of Butter
  • ½ liter of whole milk
  • 1 ounce of cornstarch or cornstarch
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Annatto
  • 1 onion
  • 1 Childtime or Paprika
  • 1 garlic clove

How to make chelate stew:

Once we have all the ingredients on the list on our work table, we start by peeling and cutting the chelates into small pieces. We put them in boiling water with a point of achiote and salt until they are pre-cooked.

On the other hand, we finely chop the onion, chiltoma and a clove of garlic. So, we heat a few drops of oil in a saucepan and make a base sauce with these three ingredients.

After a few minutes, when the onion begins to look transparent, add the pre-cooked chelates and fry the whole for a couple more minutes. Next, add the cornstarch, previously diluted in the milk with a pinch of annatto, and mix well.

Keep cooking over medium heat until you get a pasty mixture. At this point you can correct the seasoning if necessary.

Chiloe stew is always served with a little white rice and you can also accompany it with some refrigerated beans.

Remember to eat it hot and enjoy this delicious dish with the family.

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