Chilean Fried Empanadas Recipe

Ingredients to make Chilean Fried Empanadas:

• 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams)

• 1 cup of brine

• 2 tablespoons of oil

• ½ kilogram of ground beef

• 2 units of medium onions

• 1 jar of black olives

• 1 package of Raisins

• 2 units of boiled eggs

How to make Chilean Fried Empanadas:

First you have to prepare the “pino” of the Chilean fried empanadas, which is the fried meat with the previously chopped onion. To do this, fry the onion until translucent, then add the ground beef and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Save it for later. Now it is the turn of the empanada dough. To do this, sift the flour and form a volcano with it on your work surface. Make a small hole in the center, pour in the hot oil and mix it with the help of a wooden spoon.

Once mixed, add the hot brine and continue mixing. The brine is nothing more than a preparation of water with salt, mainly. As the ingredients of the Chilean empanadas are integrated, you will see that you have to start kneading with your hands.

When you have the dough for the easy fried empanadas ready, spread it out with the help of a rolling pin until it forms a very thin sheet. Cut that sheet into three parts to form three medium empanadas. To be able to give the empanada a crescent shape, the sheets must later have a round shape. Then cut the boiled eggs into slices.

In each of the circles you must place the filling of the Chilean empanadas. To do this, put in the center a tablespoon of pino (fried meat with onion), three or four raisins, one or two slices of egg and one or two pitted olives.

To continue with the preparation of the Chilean empanadas, moisten the edges of one of the portions with your fingers and cover it by joining the two ends of the dough. Once closed, to finish sealing it, fold the edge inwards. Do the same with the other two portions.

Now that you have the empanadas assembled, take a frying pan and heat plenty of oil. When it boils, fry the empanadas one at a time, until golden brown. Leave them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil and serve the Chilean fried empanadas as a starter with an apple salad and a glass of fruit punch, for example.

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