Chickpeas with Chard Recipe

The chickpeas with chard recipe are a very complete, simple and nutritious spoon dish. It can be prepared from one day to the next without any problem. This preparation is very common in Spain, with the chickpea and chard stew from Cádiz being the most popular, although the truth is that this dish can be found practically everywhere in the world.

In each region it can be prepared in different ways; however, we share the basic recipe for chickpeas with chard to learn how to prepare a light and healthy dish. To save some time, we recommend using canned chickpeas, which are already cooked, or cooking the chickpeas in advance.

Ingredients to make Chickpeas with chard:

  • 600 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 bunch of Swiss chard
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 250 grams of crushed tomato
  • 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika
  • 2 slices of bread from the day before (can be whole wheat)
  • 1 splash of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Chickpeas with chard:

1 Put a saucepan over medium heat with a splash of oil. Cut the garlic into slices and a few slices of bread from the day before. Once the oil is hot, fry the garlic and the bread. When the garlic acquires a little color, take it out and put it in a bowl. Also remove the bread when it is toasted.

2 In the same pan, add a little more oil, the sweet paprika and the crushed tomato immediately so that the paprika does not burn. Let the tomato cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.

3 Place the tomato with the paprika, the garlic and the bread in a container and blend these ingredients. This sauce will be the one that will flavor the chickpeas with chard recipe, so you can add more spices if you wish.

4 Add the sauce to the pan, add the cooked chickpeas and the previously cut and washed chard. Cover the preparation with a little more water or vegetable broth and let the stew cook for 10 minutes over medium-low heat.

After this time, salt test, rectify if necessary and turn off the heat.

And ready to eat! This recipe for chickpeas with chard is very easy, fast and nutritious. Without a doubt, it is a good spoon dish that can help us recover energy or regulate body temperature during the cold months.

The chickpea stew with chard can be accompanied with white rice or with some type of protein, such as grilled chicken, fish, pork loin… Since the recipe we have learned to prepare is a chickpea dish with light chard, a good way to choose one or another accompaniment is to guide us, precisely, by the nutritional value and caloric intake. In this way, to maintain a healthy menu, it is convenient to opt for those accompaniments or second courses that are equally healthy.

Variants of chickpea stew with chard

On the other hand, there are many variants of this humble and popular dish. For example, some people add chorizo, potatoes, black pudding, hard-boiled egg or cod to the chickpea stew with chard

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