Chickpea stew with cod and spinach recipe

Chickpea stew with cod and spinach recipe

Chickpea stew with cod and spinach recipe

This dish is very typical in Spain during Lent and Easter because it is a meatless recipe, since at this time, according to Catholic tradition, it is forbidden to eat it on Fridays. Thus, the cod stew with chickpeas and spinach is very popular on Fridays during Lent and on Good Friday. It is difficult to establish a date that determines the origin of this traditional recipe, since it has been prepared for centuries. Likewise, in each region some of its ingredients may vary, which is why there is no single recipe.

we teach you how to make chickpea stew with cod and spinach with the grandmother’s recipe, the one of a lifetime, so that you have the base on which to add your personal touch. Keep reading!

Ingredients to make Chickpea stew with cod and spinach:Chickpea stew with cod and spinach recipe

  • 400 grams of chickpeas
  • 4 cod fillets
  • 250 grams of fresh or frozen spinach
  • 2 egg
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 5 cloves
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon ground Nora
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

How to make Chickpea stew with cod and spinach:

To start preparing the stew of vigil, gather all the ingredients to make the chickpeas with cod and spinach recipe faster. That said; cook the eggs for 12 minutes. Separately, chop the onion and garlic. If you want to know how to make the perfect boiled eggs – Cooking time and tricks don’t miss this article. On the other hand, if the cod is not desalted, you can learn how to desalt it at home with this video:

Tip: the amount of spinach, chickpeas and fish can vary depending on the number of guests.

Cook the chickpeas in boiling water after soaking them for 8 hours or overnight. Cook them for 45 minutes in the pressure cooker or twice as long in the conventional pot. You can also use canned chickpeas if you want to save time.

Tip: do not add salt to the cooking water of the chickpeas or they will be hard, it is preferable to add salt later.

Sauté the garlic and onion in a pan. Once these ingredients are well fried, but without letting them brown, add a small spoonful of sweet paprika and another of chopped Nora.

Remove the soffit and add the bay leaves and cloves to enhance the flavor of the chickpea stew with spinach and cod. Stir for about 10 seconds without letting the paprika stick or burn.

When the chickpeas are cooked, add the soffit to the pot, add the previously washed spinach and mix well. Once it starts to boil again, add the cod on top and close the pot so that it takes pressure and cook the chickpea and spinach stew for 10 more minutes.

Tip: this is the traditional recipe, but if you want to make your chickpea stew with cod without spinach, simply omits this ingredient.

Uncover the pot, put the boiled eggs cut in half and that’s it, you can now serve the recipe for chickpeas with cod and spinach to enjoy it hot. What do you think of the chickpea stew with cod and spinach?

With what to accompany the chickpea stew with cod and spinach

Now that you know how to make chickpeas with cod and spinach in a pressure cooker and in a conventional pot, we recommend that you accompany the dish with a good slice of bread. To do this, you can prepare your own bread by following the Loaf Bread Recipe.


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