Chickpea Salad with Vegetables Recipe

Chickpeas are part of the group of legumes; they provide a lot of fiber. In addition, they are very healthy because they improve intestinal transit, influence the absorption of carbohydrates and help reduce cholesterol levels. Chickpeas are delicious and versatile, you can use them whole, processed or you can even use their flour. With all these benefits, you should keep in mind that it is important to include chickpeas in your diet.

We share with you a delicious dish, a chickpea salad with vegetables, a totally fresh and healthy recipe.

Ingredients to make Chickpea Salad with Vegetables:

  1. 100 grams of cooked chicken peas
  2. 100 grams of carrot
  3. 100 grams of onion
  4. 10 grams of fennel
  5. 30 grams of frozen or fresh peas
  6. 3 olives

How to make Chickpea Salad with Vegetables

  • Wondering how to make a summery chickpea salad? Well, the first step to prepare this healthy salad is to peel, cut and submerge the onion in boiling water. In this way, its flavor will be smoother. You can rinse it in cold water and repeat the process, the more times you repeat it, the smoother its flavor will be.
  • Prepare the chickpeas. We point out that you can use canned chickpeas; you must rinse and peel them previously.
  • In case you want to use dried chickpeas, you must soak them for 12 hours in the refrigerator, change the water and boil them until they are tender. We recommend cooking a good quantity, dividing them and freezing them to have them ready and save time when cooking.
  • Wash, chop the fennel and mix it with the onion that you have softened, also add the peeled chickpeas and the carrot.
  • Carrot can be used raw or cooked. In case of cooking, we recommend steaming or microwave cooking; with these methods fewer nutrients are lost. To make it in the microwave, peel it, cut it into cubes and cook it in a covered container, you must add a tablespoon of water and leave it in the appliance for approximately 4 minutes. If you want to add it raw, it will be easier to chew it grated or cut up.
  • Continue with the peas. If using frozen, cook according to package directions. Mix them with the salad.
  • Add the sliced ​​olives and enjoy this healthy, fresh and nutritious chickpea salad with vegetables.
  • Nutritional information of chickpea salad with vegetables
  • This chickpea salad with sautéed vegetables provides 220 calories, 9 grams of protein and 14 grams of fiber. Both vegetables and chickpeas are nutrients that provide satiety, that is, they will make you feel full for longer. Plus, that amount of protein is similar to a small serving of meat. It will be important at some point of the day to incorporate an animal protein or some cereal to complete the protein that legumes do not provide.

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