Chickpea salad with tomato and egg recipe

Don’t let the name of the recipe fool you! The fact that it is a salad does not mean that we cannot serve it as a main dish instead of a side dish. As it is such a complete and nutritious dish, we can enjoy it alone or serve less and prepare grilled chicken breast to accompany it, for example.

Chickpeas are legumes with a high nutritional value, since they are rich in vitamins from group B, A, C and E, as well as containing essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, irons and magnesium. To preserve these and the rest of their properties, we have boiled them and mixed them with raw vegetables, so this recipe is ideal for people who want to maintain their weight or lose those extra kilos. Stay and discover how to make a chickpea salad with tomato and egg, a delight that you cannot miss!

Ingredients to make Chickpea Salad with Tomato and Egg:

  • 200 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • ½ Tomato
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ green pepper
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • 1 can of prickly pear
  • 2 supreme bars

How to make Chickpea Salad with Tomato and Egg:

If we buy the chickpeas already cooked, we will make the recipe in less time. If, on the other hand, we want to cook them, we must soak them the night before and cook them the next day. Reserve the boiled chickpeas and cook the eggs. Separately, chop the tomato and peppers into small cubes.

Put the vegetables in a large bowl, drain the can of tuna and also integrate it into the container. Mix well to start preparing the tomato and chickpea salad.

Add the cooked chickpeas and continue mixing. If you want, you can add avocado or corn to the legume salad, since both ingredients fit perfectly with the foods used. When the eggs are cooked, run them through cold water, remove the shell and chop them over the chickpea and tomato salad. We mix well.

Finally, we cut the supreme into thin strips and add them to the vegetable salad. This step is optional, so if you prefer you can substitute the supreme for another ingredient of your choice. And ready! We serve the chickpea salad with tomato and egg as a single dish or side dish. In case you want to taste it as a main dish, the quantities are enough for two people, while if we use it as a starter or accompaniment they can eat up to four.

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