Chickpea Salad with Spinach Recipe

Spinach is rich in iron and nitrites. The first nutrient is of great importance for those who follow a vegetarian diet and for women who train regularly, especially in impact exercises.

On the other hand, nitrites are transformed into nitrates in the intestines by the bacteria housed there. This nutrient is a vasodilator, that is, it widens the blood vessels. Therefore, it is ideal for those with hypertension or even to prevent this type of complications in the future.

With all these benefits, we have no doubt that incorporating spinach into our daily recipes is excellent for our health. For this reason, we invite you to prepare this recipe for chickpea salad with spinach, a light and delicious option that you will love.

Ingredients to make Chickpea Salad with Spinach:

  1. 100 grams of cooked chicken peas
  2. 1 small onion
  3. 100 grams of spinach
  4. 1 tablespoon of oil
  5. 1 dessert spoon of balsamic vinegar

How to make Spinach Chickpea Salad:

  • Begin the preparation of this delicious and healthy salad with the onion. Peel it, cut it into feathers and submerge it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse it with cold water and repeat the procedure. The more times you repeat it, the smoother its flavor will be.
  • While you wait for the 5 minutes of the onion, you can prepare the chickpeas. If you use canned, make sure to rinse them beforehand to remove the salt contained in the water where they are stored.
  • You can also peel them, in this way we facilitate their digestion, reducing swelling and discomfort.
  • If you use dried, you must soak them for 12 hours in the refrigerator and boil them in clean water until they are tender. In this case, it is ideal to cook a good quantity, divide them into portions and freeze them to have them ready when you need them.
  • Finally, overlap and roll the previously washed spinach leaves and cut thin strips for your salad.
  • Mix all the ingredients that you have prepared previously (spinach, chickpeas, onion) and season your salad with the oil and balsamic vinegar. You can replace it with vinegar or lemon juice, but it is important to add an acid to improve the iron absorption of this vegetable.
  • Spinach and Chickpea Salad – Nutritional information and other recipes
  • This warm chickpea and spinach salad is very light, since it only has 25 calories. However, it is very nutritious, as it provides almost 7 grams of protein (the same as a serving of meat), as well as 11 grams of fiber (44% of the daily requirement).
  • In addition, it is very fresh and quick to make, so it will be excellent for those days when you do not have much time to cook or it is very hot. If you want to know more recipes for cold chickpeas in salad, there are many ingredients that you can add to this salad, such as egg, cod, tuna, shrimp, chicken, avocado or more.

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