Chickpea salad with cod recipe

Chickpea salad with cod, a very complete dish, rich and easy to prepare. If you are in a hurry and don’t know what to cook for dinner or to accompany a main dish, here is a recipe that you can prepare in a very short time and that is delicious.

Having a pot of cooked chickpeas, some vegetables and a little cod, in just a few minutes you will have a salad of 10 ready, perfect, also, to serve when you have guests. If you prefer, you can add more ingredients than we suggest or adapt the quantities to your liking. Likewise, throughout the recipe we will share tricks and recommendations that you cannot miss. Keep reading and discover with us how to make a chickpea salad with desalted cod.

Ingredients to make Chickpea Salad with Cod:

  • 1 can of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 piece of desalted cod
  • 1 onion
  • 1 piece of green pepper
  • 1 branch of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 jar of black olives

For the dressing

  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 splash of vinegar
  • 1 dessert spoon of sweet or spicy paprika
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Chickpea Salad with Cod:

Wash the cooked chickpeas and drain them well. Besides, she cuts the pieces of cod into strips. Code can be purchased already desalted or can be desalted at home. To do this, you must put it in a container with water, placing the skin upwards and leave it for more or less hours depending on the size of the pieces. For whole loins, it is best to leave them for about 36 hours, changing the water every 6. For crumbled cod, 2 hours is enough.

Tip: You can also make the chickpea salad with cod crumbs.

Chop the onion into strips and the green pepper into not very large pieces.

Trick: If you want, you can add red pepper to the chickpea salad with cod and chop it the same size as the green one.

Take a plate and place the chickpeas, the chopped onion and the green pepper on it. Cut the cherry tomatoes into chunks or leave them whole, depending on how you like to eat them in a salad.

Trick: Place the tomatoes on a plate, place a plate on top and cut them in half with a knife.  In this way, you will cut them all at once and save time.

Add the cherry tomatoes to the salad and also add the chopped cod and the green olives. If you feel like adding more ingredients to the chickpea salad with cod, we recommend you opt for corn kernels, canned artichokes, grated zucchini, thinly sliced ​​carrots, spinach, arugula or beets.

Prepare the dressing by mixing a splash of oil, vinegar, salt and a little sweet or hot paprika in a bowl. Mix everything well and add it to the salad. And ready to serve! This recipe for chickpea salad with desalted cod is very easy to make, quick and complete. In addition, it is a healthy dish and suitable for losing weight.

How to make a warm chickpea and cod salad?

You have learned to prepare a cold chickpea salad with cod; however, if what you fancy is a warm dish, we have the solution. It is as simple as poaching the vegetables for a maximum of 3-5 minutes, adding the pieces of desalted cod to cook for another 3 minutes and mixing all these ingredients with the cooked chickpeas, already drained. Since the vegetables and the fish are not cooked for a long time, the result is a warm salad that you can dress with any of the proposed vinaigrettes or simply with a splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.

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