Chicken stew with potatoes recipe

On this occasion we are going to cook a very traditional preparation in several countries of the world, a chicken stew with potatoes. It is a very basic recipe, which we should all have in our cookbook, but with a lot of flavor. We are going to see the ingredients and the step by step that we detail and learn how to prepare stewed chicken.

Ingredients to make Chicken Stew with Potatoes:

  • 6 units of chicken thighs
  • 120 grams of Tomato
  • 180 grams of long onion
  • 3 units of Potatoes
  • 1 glass of white wine or cava
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of thyme

How to make Chicken Potato Stew:

  1. The first step to make the stewed chicken recipe is to pre-list the ingredients.
  2. Take a deep pot over medium heat, add a little sunflower oil and sauté the chicken pieces. Remember that you can use any other piece you want but that contains bone, do not use the breast.
  3. Add salt, black pepper and garlic paste to taste.
  4. Remove the chicken pieces and reserve them. In the same spot where the meat, add the onion and tomato in small squares.
  5. Add salt, pepper and garlic to taste as seen in the photograph.
  6. Once the sauce is well done, add the chicken pieces.
  7. Cover the chicken pieces with enough water or, if you wish, chicken broth, add the potatoes in medium squares and the white wine and lower the heat so that it simmers.
  8. Add the thyme and cook for 20-30 minutes, until the chicken is tender and juicy.
  9. Serve the stewed chicken with potatoes bathing with the preparation broth. You can accompany with a vegetable puree.

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