Chicken Risotto Recipe

Ingredients to make Chicken Risotto:

  • 350 grams of Shredded Chicken
  • 300 grams of arboreal rice
  • 80 grams of Parmesan cheese
  • 120 grams of long or green onion
  • 1 liter of chicken broth
  • 2 teaspoons of Butter
  • 1 glass of Cream of milk or cream
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Chicken Risotto:

  1. The first step to make our chicken risotto recipe is to prepare the ingredients.
  2. Bring a deep pot over medium heat with a teaspoon of olive oil, fry the finely chopped onion with a little salt, black pepper and garlic paste.
  3. Add the rice and the chicken broth, remember to always cook over high heat and keep stirring.
  4. The ideal is that we obtain a soupy rice, since that is the consistency that we want to have in our recipe for rice with chicken.
  5. When you notice that the risotto broth is reduced and the rice has a creamy consistency, add the butter and mix the ingredients very well.
  6. Prepare the remaining ingredients to add to the risotto and give it that extra touch of flavor.
  7. Once the risotto has the desired consistency, add the shredded chicken, the milk cream and the white wine, let it keep for a few minutes so that our recipe concentrates the flavors of these ingredients.
  8. Finally, add two tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and reserve the rest to add when serving.
  9. Serve the chicken risotto sprinkling Parmesan cheese on top and placing shredded chicken as desired on each of the plates.
  10. This is a totally different way of eating arrow con polo, and with which you can surprise your guests and family. Enjoy!


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