Chicken Rice Recipe

Ingredients to make Chicken Rice:

  • 1 Chicken
  • 1 kilogram of white rice
  • 1 onion
  • ¼ garlic
  • 1 red paprika
  • 1 green paprika
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 can of Peas
  • 1 can of corn
  • ½ cup of Oil
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
  • ½ teaspoon of oregano powder
  • ½ teaspoon cumin
  • 10 cups of Water (2400 milliliters)
  • 2 Concentrated chicken bouillon cubes
  • 1 teaspoon food coloring
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper

How to make Chicken Rice:

  1. To prepare our stewed rice with chicken, we start by cleaning and dicing the chicken into small portions. We place it in a container and add the mustard to soften the chicken flavor a bit, we also add oregano, Worcestershire sauce, cumin and salt.
  2. We reserve and leave it marinating in this mixture of spices.
  3. On the other hand, place all the water in a large enough pot, and heat over high heat until it boils. So, we add the cubes and a piece of chicken to make a chicken broth.
  4. For the broth to have a good flavor, it is best to add the part of the neck.
  5. Meanwhile, we are finely chopping all the vegetables. Onion, paprika, tomato, garlic, garlic and carrot, all diced or julienned, depending on taste.
  6. The leek is also known by the name of leek.
  7. Next, we add oil in a good frying pan and we start to make the base sauce for our chicken rice dish. To do this, fry the garlic over high heat until it starts to brown, then add the onion.
  8. When it changes color slightly, add the rest of the vegetables starting with the garlic, carrot, paprika and tomato. Stir everything and continue cooking the sauce until it takes on a reddish color.
  9. Then place the chicken in the pan and season everything with a pinch of pepper. Lower the flame to medium heat and cook the whole for about 20 minutes until the chicken is well cooked.
  10. At that point, add the rice together with a pinch of salt and stir well so that it is impregnated with all the flavors that are in the pan. Keep cooking for 5 more minutes.
  11. Now add the broth that we have been preparing from the first step and stir everything until it starts to boil.
  12. When the preparation is boiling, add the coloring and cover. We finish cooking the rice with chicken over low heat for about 25 minutes or until the rice is dry.
  13. About 2 minutes before the rice is ready, we add the corn and peas. Turn off and leave covered for 5 more minutes before serving.
  14. Enjoy this delicious rice with chicken as a family, you will see how it yields a lot and everyone likes it. To complete the menu, we recommend preparing a potato salad with mayonnaise and if you want a more broth rice, you can review the easy chicken rice recipe.

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