Chicken Pot Mole Recipe

Chicken Pot Mole Recipe

Chicken Pot Mole Recipe

The pot mole is a traditional dish of Mexican cuisine that can be made with beef or chicken, accompanied by a variety of vegetables such as cabbage, corn, pumpkin, chayote, carrot or green bean to give a touch of consistency to the recipe. In Mexico we usually cook it more in the winter season, since being a soupy and hot preparation, it is usually very comforting on those days when the temperature is very low.

We present you a delicious pot mole with chicken meat, whose preparation is extremely simple, practical and, above all, delicious. We invite you to stay with us to discover how to make chicken pot mole.

Ingredients to make Chicken Pot Mole:Chicken Pot Mole Recipe

  • 1 kilogram of chicken pieces
  • 2 pieces of fresh corn
  • 2 pieces of Pumpkin
  • 3 pieces of Carrot
  • 2 pieces of Chayote
  • 1 cup of fresh green beans
  • 2 cups of Cauliflower
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 6 pieces of guerilla chili
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered chicken consommé
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Chicken Pot Mole:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious chicken pot mole, do not miss any details.

On the one hand, we are going to place the chicken in a saucepan with enough boiling water to cook it. We also add a piece of onion and a clove of garlic.

On the other hand, we wash the vegetables perfectly, chop them into small pieces and put them in another saucepan with boiling water to cook them. In this step we place all the vegetables except the pumpkin.

While the previous ingredients are cooking, to continue with the preparation of the Mexican pot mole, we take the guerilla peppers , wash them very well, open them and clean them, removing the seeds and veins from inside. Once clean, place them in a container with hot water and let them soak until they soften, for about 5 minutes.

After the resting time of the chills, we add them to the blender together with the garlic clove, a piece of onion and the cumin, and we proceed to blend until we obtain a homogeneous sauce.

Once the chicken is cooked, we add the vegetables also cooked to the saucepan where the meat is and we also add the thinly sliced ​​pumpkin to continue with the preparation of the mole de pot.

Now, we take the sauce that we form with the guerilla chili and with the help of a strainer we add it to the saucepan where the pot mole with chicken meat and vegetables are located, we move to integrate everything very well and let it all cook together 5 more minutes. In this step we add a pinch of salt, pepper and the chicken broth to flavor the broth.

Once the previous time has passed, and everything is perfectly cooked, we can serve the Mexican stew very hot. We can accompany the chicken pot mole with finely chopped onion, white rice, a piece of lemon and a delicious corn tortilla.


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