Chicken Noodle Recipe

Chicken noodle is a fantastic noodle with sauce recipe that you will surely like. we love to cook pasta and within our pasta category, noodles have a special section. So if you like pasta with chicken, the chicken noodle recipe that we shares is ideal for you, add this dish to your menu and enjoy!

Ingredients to make Chicken Noodles:

  1. 200 grams of noodles or noodles
  2. 100 grams of green bell pepper
  3. 100 grams of red bell pepper
  4. 120 grams of white onion
  5. 200 grams of chicken pieces (6 or 8 pieces)
  6. 4 grams of minced garlic
  7. 150 grams of grated carrot
  8. 250 cubic centimeters of Water (one and a half cups)
  9. 11 grams of Chicken broth (one cube)
  10. 11 grams of Vegetable broth (one cube)
  11. 1 teaspoon of sugar
  12. 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper
  13. Spices to taste

How to make Chicken Noodle:

  • First we will make the sauce. To do this, we add the chopped garlic in a pot with a splash of oil, I used olive oil, and wait for it to heat up. Then, we add the chicken pieces and stir to seal evenly, once sealed we add a splash of white wine and the cube of chicken broth along with a small bag of ajinomoto seasoning for poultry.
  • The ajinomoto is an optional ingredient, so if you don’t have it, don’t worry.
  • We let seal and add the rest of the chopped vegetables, waiting for them to release a little water. Next, we add the cube of vegetable broth and stir a little.
  • Add the water and let cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the tomato sauce and from here stir constantly. Cook the sauce for the chicken noodles over medium heat for approximately 45-50 minutes.
  • When we have the sauce cooked we add the sugar, the spices and mix everything. We put out the fire and reserved.
  • To make the noodles, bring plenty of water to a boil in a pot. When it boils, add salt and a tablespoon of oil along with the noodles. We cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If it is fresh paste, 5 to 6 minutes and if it is dry paste, approximately 10 to 13 minutes.
  • We take out the noodles and put it in a colander.
  • Trick: So that the pasta does not stick, add a few tablespoons of sauce and mix

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