Chicken Filling Recipe for Sandwiches

Chicken sandwiches are a classic that you can make to serve for any occasion, be it as appetizers, for a light dinner or for a weekend meal. At this article, we have many ideas for sandwiches and snacks that you may like, but apart from that, we also have recipes for you to learn how to prepare special chicken stuffing so that you can use it to your liking.

Keep reading the recipe for chicken filling for sandwiches and eat something different using the usual ingredients. Get out of the routine and start cooking!

Ingredients to make Chicken Filling for Sandwiches:

  • 150 grams of cooked chicken breast
  • ½ spring onion
  • 1 piece of carrot
  • ¼ pippin apple
  • 3 tablespoons of low-calorie yogurt
  • ½ tablespoon of Mayonnaise
  • ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of curry powder

How to make Chicken Filling for Sandwiches:

Once you have the cooked breast, fray it as thin as possible or chop it to taste. You can make the chicken grilled or boiled. If you have doubts about how to cook chicken, you can take a look at the chicken and avocado sandwich recipe or the chicken and cheese sandwich recipe that have similar procedures.

Tip: You can also use turkey instead of chicken if you prefer.

Separately, finely chop the onion and apple. Also grate the carrot from which you should get about two tablespoons. Mix these ingredients with the shredded chicken and reserve. Then make a cream or sauce by mixing the mayonnaise with the yogurt and the spices.  Check the seasoning and correct if necessary with a little more salt or pepper.

Finally, mix the sauce with the chicken and the rest of the ingredients. Stir well until you get a uniform paste, making the chicken and vegetables well impregnated with the yogurt and mayonnaise sauce. Refrigerate until serving time. With this chicken sandwich filling you can make delicious canapés for parties or a light sandwich for dinner using rye or whole meal bread.

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