Chicken Croquettes Recipe with Mycook Touch

For this recipe for chicken croquettes with Mycook Touch you can use any leftover chicken you have at home. If, for example, you have prepared homemade chicken broth, use both the broth and the meat to make these croquettes, they will be great! But, if you have cooked oven-roasted chicken, grilled chicken or cooked chicken and you have leftovers, it is still good for making croquettes.

The advantage of making homemade croquettes with Mycook Touch from Taurus is that you simply add the ingredients and forget about mixing or watching to prevent them from burning. The robot cooks the dough for you! If you still do not have this fantastic kitchen robot, what are you waiting for to buy it? Now you can get €500 discount when making your purchase. Buy your Mycook Touch through this link and save money, the discount will only be available for the first 15 readers. If you already have your robot, then keep reading to find out how to make chicken croquettes with Mycook.

Ingredients to make Chicken Croquettes with Mycook Touch:

• 300 grams of cooked chicken (roasted or grilled)

• ½ medium or small onion

• 70 grams of olive oil

• 650 grams of milk (can be lactose free)

• 160 grams of wheat flour

• 80 grams of chicken broth

• 2 pinches of salt

• 2 pinches of ground black pepper

• 2 eggs

• Breadcrumbs (as needed)

• Oil for frying

How to make Chicken Croquettes with Mycook Touch:

You can shred the chicken by hand or chop it in your Mycook Touch. For this second option, put the chicken in the glass and program for 10 seconds at speed 6. Remove the chicken and rinse the glass. On the other hand, you can take the opportunity to chop the onion in the same way, although for this case we recommend speed 5 and 5 seconds so that it is not completely crushed. If you want it more crushed, you can always add seconds. Heat the oil programming your Mycook at speed 2, 120º temperature and 2 minutes of time.

Add the chopped onion and sauté it at sauté speed, 90º and 2 minutes. We have used half a medium onion, but if you do not want to use so much so that your chicken croquettes with Mycook have more meat flavor, then use half a small onion.

Incorporate the wheat flour and cook it with the onion at speed 2 and 90º for 2 minutes. We have used common wheat flour without first sifting it, although you could if you prefer.

Pour in the milk and chicken broth, as well as half of the minced chicken. Add a pinch of salt and another of pepper and program your Mycook at speed 5, 100º and 8 minutes of time. With these quantities you will have some croquettes with quite a bit of béchamel, if you prefer your croquettes to have more meat than béchamel, then we recommend reducing the amount of milk and flour to 500 g of milk and 140 g of flour. If you want more béchamel later, you can always add a little more.

Add the remaining chicken and taste the dough to see if it needs more salt and pepper. We have added a little more of each. Then, program the machine at speed 5, 70º to prevent the béchamel from cooling and solidifying, and 1 minute. If after this time the chicken has not been completely integrated, program for 1 more minute.

Place the chicken croquette dough on a tray and distribute it evenly. Let it cool down, cover it with plastic wrap so that the paper touches the dough and keep it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

After the resting time, the dough will have solidified a bit, but depending on the amount of béchamel you can handle it with your hands or not. In any case, it is preferable to form the croquettes with the help of a spoon and pass them first through the beaten egg and then through the breadcrumbs.

If you want your chicken croquettes with Mycook to be crispier, we recommend making a second batter. To do this, it is better to start with the breadcrumbs, then pass the croquettes through the egg and, finally, through the breadcrumbs again. Fry the chicken croquettes in a pan with very hot oil. Turn them over so they cook everywhere and reserve them on absorbent kitchen paper to remove excess oil. Keep in mind that they are already made inside, so they are done very quickly. Therefore, do not neglect them or they will burn.

Clever! You can now serve your chicken croquettes made with Mycook Touch. We have opted for some croquettes with more béchamel sauce, but remember that we have also explained how to make them so that they have more meat. With these quantities, about 36 croquettes come out, although everything will depend on the size.

As you have seen, making chicken croquettes with Taurus Mycook Touch is much easier than making the recipe entirely by hand. Therefore, if you don’t have your food processor or you think someone close to you might want one, don’t forget the discount you can now get.

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