Chicken Croquettes Recipe

Ingredients to make Chicken Croquettes:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Oil
  • Chicken meat
  • Salt

How to make Chicken Croquettes:

Put a frying pan on the fire, once hot add a little oil and once hot poach a little garlic and onion. Then add a little parsley once I add the garlic and onion. Next, add the minced chicken meat and remix everything so that the garlic does not burn and add a pinch of salt. When the meat has drunk all the oil, pour the milk more or less halfway up the pan. When the milk releases little bubbles, you can add the flour, little by little, until everything becomes a dough. Leave a little time on the fire so that the dough is made a little. Once finished, the dough is poured into a bowl and allowed to cool to make the croquettes and fry them.

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