Chicken Contre Soup Recipe

Mikal Scarlett shares a hot dish, ideal to combat cold days. It is a delicious chicken contre soup, made with carrot, onion and potato, among other ingredients detailed below.

Contre soup is of Chilean origin, although the easy accessibility of its ingredients makes it a dish within the reach of practically all countries. Homemade broths, regardless of their flavor, are the best remedy for regulating body temperature while providing extra nutrients and, above all, energy. Keep reading, discover how to make soup de contre and enjoy the contrast of flavors and textures that it offers.

Ingredients to make Chicken Contre Soup:

  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 piece of carrot
  • 1 piece of Paprika
  • 1 pope
  • soup noodles
  • 1 pinch of complete dressing
  • 1 piece of onion
  • ½ kilogram of Chicken Contre
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Water

How to make Chicken Contra Soup:

  1. Chop all the vegetables into strips and the potato into cubes, as shown in the photograph, to make the chicken soup.
  2. Add all the vegetables in a pot, as in the image, and fry with oil without burning any ingredient. The desired amount of complete dressing is also added here. The complete dressing is sold already prepared, and consists of a mixture of spices widely used in Chile to help enhance the flavor of food.
  3. Add the chicken contre, salt to taste and stir to continue with the preparation of the meat soup.
  4. Add the water to cover all the ingredients and, when it boils, add the pasta to cook for about 20 or 30 minutes over high heat. In this way, the chicken contre soup will be very tasty. If more broth is desired, more water can be added.
  5. Clever! Serve the chicken contre soup hot and enjoy this delicious dish during cold days, or whenever you want. This dish is perfect for both lunch and dinner, since it is a complete and nutritious soup recipe.

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