Chicken Consommé Recipe

The consommés are those homemade, concentrated soups that recharged the energy to the maximum. Chicken consommé is perfect for a cold day or when we need to recover lost energy, a tasty and useful recipe. Follow these simple steps and prepare a rich, healthy and nutritious soup that you can surely include in your diet to lose weight.

Ingredients to make Chicken Consommé:

  • ½ kilogram of Chicken
  • ¼ kilogram of onion
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 Garlic unit
  • 1 unit of Carrot
  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 branch of Celery
  • 3 units of sweet peppers
  • 1 unit of chives

How to make Chicken Consommé:

  1. The first step to prepare our chicken broth will be to fry the onion in pieces and the crushed garlic with the oil in a large pot, cook for 5 minutes. After a few minutes you will see how the onion becomes transparent and gives off a pleasant smell.
  2. Next, add the rest of the vegetables, starting with the leek in wheels, the carrot in pieces, the celery, the chives, the peppers and the salt. Let cook for 5 minutes and add the chicken and pepper, mix and add the hot water. Garlic leek is also known as leek and celery can be found by the name of celery.
  3. As soon as it boils, the foam that rises to the surface is eliminated, when no more foam comes out, lower the heat and cover it. Cook over low heat for an hour
  4. After the cooking time, pass the mixture through the strainer and let it rest until it reaches room temperature. When it has cooled, store it in the fridge to remove the fat that rises to the surface.

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