Chicken and prawn paella recipe

Making a mixed chicken and shrimp paella is very easy if you have the right instructions. That is why today we are going to teach you how to make this recipe for chicken and seafood paella, a simple chicken and shrimp paella that you can enjoy with the whole family every Sunday for lunch. Stay with us, write down the ingredients and discover how easy it is to make a good chicken and prawn paella like a real chef!

Ingredients to make Paella with chicken and prawns:

  • ½ Chicken in pieces
  • 16 clean prawns
  • ½ green pepper
  • 2 Garlic
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 6 small glasses of round rice
  • 18 small glasses of Fumet or water
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 pinch of food coloring
  • Saffron

How to make Chicken and Shrimp Paella:

  1. The first thing we will do to make this chicken paella with prawns is to salt the chicken and brown it in a clay pot with a splash of hot olive oil.
  2. While the chicken is browning, peel and cut the onion in mirepoix, and chop the garlic.
  3. If you prefer not to find the vegetables in the rice with chicken and shrimp, you can mash them together and fry them like this.
  4. Once the chicken is golden, we reserve it on a separate plate and in the same pan, fry the pepper and onion a little.
  5. Meanwhile, we make a quick seafood stock by frying the prawn heads in a little oil, then adding a little water and letting it simmer for about 5-10 minutes.
  6. When the pepper and onion of the simple chicken and prawn paella are poached, cut the tomato and garlic into small pieces and add them to the pan, trying to scrape the bottom of it once the vegetables begin to release their juices to deglaze the casserole and absorb all the flavor of the browned chicken.
  7. Once the vegetables of the chicken and prawn paella are well fried, add the fried chicken to the pan, add the glasses of fish stock, or failing that, water, corresponding to the amount of rice that we are going to add, sprinkle a few strands of saffron and a pinch of food coloring, and turn up the heat to bring the liquid to a boil.
  8. When the water of the chicken and seafood paella begins to boil, add the rice cups, stir well and let it cook over a high heat for about 8 minutes.
  9. After this time, add the prawns to the chicken paella, lower the heat and continue cooking the rice for approximately 8 more minutes over low heat.
  10. Trick: It is not recommended to stir the rice much from this moment on, and it is okay if the bottom of the pan burns a little because that way the rice will be
  11. Once that time has passed and with the fumet almost completely evaporated, we cover the rice with chicken and prawns with a kitchen cloth so that it rests for about 3 more minutes and the rice finishes absorbing all the liquid.
  12. Once the rice has rested, we can now serve our delicious chicken and prawn paella at the table. To enjoy!


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