Chicken and Ground Beef Lasagna Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make a delicious chicken and meat lasagna with which you will be able to delight your diners and guests. Lasagna is one of those delicious Italian recipes that we all know very well, so don’t lose the step by step of this easy recipe and learn to prepare a mixed chicken and meat lasagna.

Ingredients to make Chicken and Ground Beef Lasagna:

  1. 1 dozen cooked lasagna sheets
  2. 1 pound grated mozzarella cheese
  3. 1 cup of Parmesan cheese
  4. 1 unit of chicken breast cooked and shredded
  5. 4 cups of béchamel sauce
  6. 4 cups of Neapolitan sauce
  7. 500 grams of ground beef
  8. 1 glass of red wine

How to make Chicken and Ground Beef Lasagna:

  • Our first step to make the mixed lasagna recipe is to prepare the ingredients.
  • Once we have the lasagna sheets cooked, in a previously greased refractory we will add a sheet of lasagna to the bottom and on top of it a little shredded chicken.
  • Bathe with a little of the béchamel sauce and add mozzarella cheeseon top and a little Parmesan.
  • Now we are going to make the sauce for the meat layer. To do this, take a frying pan over medium heat and add a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add the ground meat with salt, black pepper and garlic paste to taste.
  • Add a tablespoon of oregano and mix well until these ingredients are well-fried.
  • Add the red wine so that you can get the juices of our meat from the bottom of the pan. This process is called deglazing.
  • Cover with the Neapolitan sauce and cook for about 20 minutes. You will see that the combination of red wine and Neapolitan sauce will give a truly exquisite flavor.
  • Once the meat sauce is ready, cover the first layer with a cooked pasta sheet and add the meat sauce we made on top. Add again Parmesan cheese and mozzarella.
  • Repeat the process of the layers of chicken and meat until you reach the surface of the refractory. It is ideal that in the last layer you also add enough mozzarella and Parmesan cheese so that it is gratin in the oven. Take our mixed lasagna to the oven at 180ºC. For approximately 15-20 minutes or until the cheese melts.
  • Serve our chicken and ground beef lasagna

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