Chicken and cheese flutes recipe

Do you want to prepare an easy dish to take to work or anywhere? This delicious recipe is also prepared for the little ones at home. Do you know what recipe it is? We talked about the preparation of chicken and cheese flutes. This recipe is very practical to make, the ingredients that are required are really few and, in addition, it is a very profitable preparation, since the flautas will be the base of a complete dish that you can accompany with a fresh lettuce and tomato salad, without forget the touch of cream, cheese, avocado and spicy sauce.

If you want to learn how to make easy chicken and cheese flutes, don’t think twice and keep reading. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Chicken and Cheese Flautas:

• 1 chicken breast

• 3 bay leaves

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1½ liters of water

• 1 kilogram of corn tortillas

• 500 milliliters of vegetable oil

• 1 shredded lettuce

• 100 grams of sour cream

• 200 grains of grated cheese

• 1 avocado sliced

• 1 tomato in slices

How to make Chicken and Cheese Flautas:

To start with the recipe for chicken and cheese flutes, first cook the chicken breast , either in a pressure cooker or in a normal pot, with 1.5 liters of water or a little more, depending on the size of the pot. Next, add the bay leaves and the teaspoon of salt. Cook approximately 25 minutes in a pressure cooker or 40 minutes in a normal pot. After the cooking time, let the breast cool slightly and begin to crumble. If you wish, you can support yourself with two forks for the easiest step.

To assemble the Mexican chicken flautas, use the hot corn tortilla so that, when rolling, it does not break. Next, take a tortilla and add a little of the shredded chicken, roll it up, squeezing the flute so it doesn’t come out. Go accommodating in a container. Repeat until you finish with all the chicken.

Tip: when you have all the flutes rolled up, we recommend letting them rest at room temperature, approximately 1 hour. You can also let it rest in the refrigerator so that the tortilla does not lose its shape and it is easier to fry.

Heat a little oil in a pan and fry the chicken and cheese flutes until they are completely golden. Then let it rest on absorbent paper to remove excess oil. If you want to make a portion, you should place 4 or 5 fried Mexican flautas on a plate and then add a little grated lettuce, tomato slices, cream, cheese, a few slices of avocado and, finally, sauce to taste.

Healthy Mexican Flautas

If you want to make this recipe a little healthier, you can substitute the frying of the chicken and cheese flutes and choose to bake them. Also, nowadays, with the famous air fryers you can make this recipe without a single drop of oil. Although, if you do not have this device at home, you can bake in a conventional oven or in an electric oven. If you choose to do it in the oven, we recommend letting it rest as long as possible or even freezing the flautas so that the tortilla is completely formed into a roll and does not open during baking. If you choose to bake only, lightly grease the container where you will bake them and bake at 200 ° C for a period of 20-25 minutes, after 10-15 minutes you should turn it over so that they brown evenly.

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