Chicken and Cheese Empanada Recipe

This easy homemade chicken and cheese empanada recipe is very simple and very quick to prepare since you do not need to prepare any zaragallada or filling beforehand and you can have it ready in just 30 minutes.

This baked chicken and cheese empanada has the right ingredients for children and not so children to enjoy to the fullest. If you have never tried this chicken and cheese empanada before, it will become a regular on your menus at home.

Ingredients to make Chicken and Cheese Empanada:

  • 250 grams of chicken tenderloin (breast tenderloin)
  • 200 grams of bacon
  • 200 grams of grated cheese
  • 2 sheets of short crust pastry or short crust pastry

How to make Chicken and Cheese Empanada:

1 We prepared the ingredients for this easy chicken and cheese empanada. We choose the bacon already cut into small cubes, and the cheese is grated for pizzas. For the meat, you can use sirloin or chicken breast. We will make the empanada dough with two sheets of short crust or short crust pastry, or you can encourage yourself to prepare it by following this recipe for short crust pastry without butter or this recipe for quiche dough.

Tip: Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

2 We spread a sheet of short crust pastry on its baking paper, which we have on the oven tray. On top we place the chopped chicken tenderloin with the help of scissors. Try to leave an outer margin, to be able to close the empanada with the upper sheet later.

3 On top of the chicken we add the bacon, and then we make a third layer with the grated cheese.

4 Place the second sheet of short crust pastry on top and close the homemade chicken and cheese empanada. You can paint the dough with a beaten egg yolk, although it is optional.

5 We put the chicken and cheese empanada in the oven at 180 ºC, between 15 and 20 minutes. Take it out when you see that it is golden.

6 Serve the chicken and cheese empanada preferably hot. You can accompany it with an escalivada with anchovies or with a gazpacho jelly. To enjoy!

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