Chicken and cheese croquettes recipe

At this article, we love homemade croquettes! They are cheap because they allow us to take advantage of leftovers from other recipes, they are varied and delicious, what more can we ask for? In addition, they are perfect to serve when we have guests and children also tend to like them a lot.

On this occasion, we are going to prepare a delicious recipe for chicken and cheese croquettes that we can make with the chicken that is left over from the day before, for example. You will see that they are crispy on the outside and very soft and juicy on the inside. The combination of flavors is exquisite and you can always add the odd ingredient, as we will indicate during the process. With all that said, read on and discover with us how to make cheesy chicken nuggets.

Ingredients to make Chicken and Cheese Croquettes:

• 400 grams of cooked or roasted chicken breast

• 1 package of breadcrumbs

• 125 grams of grated cheese (mozzarella or parmesan)

• 1 piece of onion

• 1 cup of plain flour (140 grams)

• 3 glasses of water or chicken broth

• 2 pinches of oregano

• 1 pinch of salt

• 2 eggs

• 500 milliliters of oil for frying

• 2 pinches of black pepper

• 2 pinches of paprika from the Vera

How to make Chicken and Cheese Croquettes:

Chop the onion finely and heat a splash of oil in a pan. When hot, sauté the onion for a few minutes, preferably over medium-low heat to prevent it from burning. Meanwhile, crumble the chicken breast or cut it into very thin strips.

Trick: you can use chicken already cooked or roasted in the oven. If you only have raw meat, we recommend cooking it in boiling water, letting it cool and crumbling it.

Add the chicken when the onion is transparent and stir to integrate both ingredients. Cook for approximately 4 minutes over medium heat. Add the cup of flour and keep stirring so that it cooks and the chicken and cheese croquettes do not taste like raw flour. Do not have a raw taste. In this step, try to be aware so that the flour does not stick and burn. A couple of minutes will suffice.

Pour in the chicken broth or water and keep stirring. Add the liquid little by little and without stopping stirring so that it forms like a light béchamel, since you will not use milk. It is not necessary to add all the broth, just the one that the preparation needs.

Gradually the béchamel will thicken. Add the spices and continue stirring so that the chicken releases its juices and the whole preparation takes on the flavor of all the ingredients. Let everything cook, stirring from time to time to prevent it from burning, and after about 4 minutes add the grated cheese. Integrate it and turn off the heat, since with the same heat of the sauce the cheese will melt and integrate. Remember that you can make the chicken and cheese croquettes using the grated cheese that you like the most. Likewise, you can use blue cheese if you prefer, gorgonzola cheese or goat cheese, the important thing is that it is one that melts and integrates into the sauce.

Once the béchamel is made, you should let it cool for 2 hours so that it takes on a greater solidity and you can work the dough easily. Once cold, form the chicken and cheese croquettes with your hands and pass them through the beaten egg and breadcrumbs, in this order. If you have breadcrumbs with parsley and garlic much better.

Tip: to make them crispier you can make a second batter.

Pour oil for frying in a frying pan and, when it is hot but not excessively, cook the chicken croquettes with cheese carefully and trying to keep them separate, so fry them in small batches. It is important to keep in mind that the oil must not be too hot so that the croquettes can cook well inside. They will take about 5 minutes to cook and you will have to turn them over. When they are done, put them on kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil.

Tip: you can also cook them with less oil if you want to reduce the number of calories, although they will take a little longer to cook.

Enjoy your homemade chicken and cheese croquettes accompanied by your favorite sauce. For example, the classic mayonnaise or barbecue sauce fit perfectly.

With what to accompany the chicken and cheese croquettes

In addition to serving them with your favorite sauce, you can accompany this recipe for cheese and chicken croquettes with potatoes. To do this, we propose these ways to cook them:

• Baked potatoes with spices

• Baked potatoes

• Microwave potato chips

• Potato straws

• Deluxe baked potatoes

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