Chicharrón Pupusas Recipe

Pupusas are part of the typical cuisine of El Salvador, which is why they are a very popular dish in the area. Making them at home is much easier than it seems and the result is spectacular. Take note of the ingredients and learn how to cook pork rind pupusas.

Ingredients to make Chicharrón Pupusas:

  • 4 cups of Maseca corn flour
  • 3 cups of warm water
  • 1½ dessert spoons of Salt
  • 675 grams of Chicharrones
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic

How to make Pork Pupusas:

The chicharrón, the tomato, the onion and the garlic are ground to form the filling. Fry everything in a frying pan with a little oil. You can also mix the chicharrón with cheese. To make the dough for the pupusas, take a container and mix the maseca corn flour with the warm water. The important thing is that the package specifies that it is nixtamalized corn flour.

When you have the dough ready, form balls of the same size. Heat the griddle or the Comal where you will make the pupusas. The balls should be about the size of the palm of your hand. Then, make a hole in the center, fill it with the pork rinds and the rest of the ingredients that you prepared in the first step, close it and pat it with your hands, giving it the shape of a tortilla (round).

When the Comal is hot, cook each of the pork rind pupusas on both sides. When they are ready, serve them accompanied by pickled cabbage and homemade tomato sauce.

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