Chia Seed Arepas Recipe

When it comes to healthy arepas, you need to try the exquisite arepa with chia seeds. This arepa has a powerful contribution of nutrients, thanks to the combination of corn and chia.  However, the healthy nature of its ingredients is not the only thing that makes this appetizer stand out because its flavor also stands out, since chia seeds have a peculiar flavor, slightly similar to that of walnuts. Can you imagine how tasty this arepa tastes?

Thinking about health and flavor, we offer you this appetizing option for your breakfasts, dinners and snacks.

Learn how to use chia seeds in your menu and learn with us how to make a delicious healthy arepas step by step. Once ready you can eat them with the filling that you like the most, so let’s go cook now!

Ingredients to make Chia Seed Arepas:

  • 2 cups of corn flour (240 grams)
  • 6 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Chia Seed Arepas:

The essential elements you need to make these fitness arepas are cornmeal, chia seeds, water, and a pinch of salt. To make the dough for the chia arepas, empty the dry ingredients into a bowl: the cornmeal, the chia, and salt to taste. Mix very well.

Next, add the water little by little to the mixture and knead until you achieve a firm but smooth consistency.

The amount of water is to taste, you will have to add more or less depending on the texture of the dough, just as is done in the preparation of traditional Venezuelan arepas. Form a ball with the dough, divide it in two and shape the healthy arepas. The shape of the arepa is similar to a disk, the thickness will be to your liking and remember that if you want to make fried arepas you must make a hole in the center. Set a skillet to heat ahead of time. Before rubbing the surface with a napkin soaked in oil. When the pan is very hot, place the fitness arepas and cook for 5 minutes on each side.

Trick: The arepas cooked at their ideal point have a peculiar sound, when you hit them gently in the center they sound somewhat solid.

Here is a delicious option for how to use chia seeds. This arepa with chia seeds is enhanced in nutrients and flavor, thanks to the union of chia and corn. Awesome breakfast!

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