Chestnut puree recipe

The chestnut season is one of the most ephemeral of the year, so we must take advantage of them when they arrive and make the most of them by preparing delicious recipes like this one. We all love to feel the smell of roasted chestnuts that are sold on the street, buy a muffin and enjoy eating them hot, and it is precisely with these chestnuts that we will make the recipe that we share below. This time we teach you how to prepare a simple chestnut purée in a jiffy, which you can use to accompany roast or grilled meat dishes. This same purée can be made sweet to fill and cover a cake. For all these reasons, it is a sophisticated recipe with multiple possibilities. In any case, we will accentuate the flavors without distorting the aroma of the chestnuts.

We show all the tricks and recommendations to adapt the recipe in the different steps, so read on to discover how to make roasted chestnut puree.

Ingredients to make chestnut puree:

  • 12 roasted and peeled chestnuts
  • 100 milliliters of soy cream (milk cream can also be used)
  • 1 vegetable broth tablet dissolved in 1/2 glass of water
  • 1 pinch of white pepper (optional)

How to make chestnut puree:

  1. To start with the chestnut puree recipe, you should first know that if you cannot find roasted chestnuts, the first thing you should do is roast the chestnuts in the oven, making a cut in each one and baking them for 25 minutes at 180-200ºC. Peel them when they are.
  2. Tip: you can also blanch them for 2 minutes in boiling water. Then, submerge them in cold water and peel them with a knife.
  3. Bring the half glass of water to the boil with the already dissolved vegetable stock cube. When it boils, add the chestnuts, cover the pot and cook for 10 minutes. If after this time the chestnuts are still hard, cook them for 5 more minutes. In this case, it may be necessary to add a little more water.
  4. Tip: when deciding the amount of liquid to add, it is important to bear in mind that this type of purée thickens a lot when it cools down. To make it lighter, just add a splash of water and heat over low heat.
  5. Add the soy cream and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring slowly but constantly to prevent it from cutting. It should not boil.
  6. Tip: you can also use milk cream and even coconut cream to give the chestnut puree a different touch.
  7. Take the pot off the heat and let the mixture cool down. Beat the ingredients with an electric hand mixer, in the blender or a blender glass to obtain the chestnut puree. The consistency of the puree is to taste, although it should be noted that it is usually quite thick. If you want it to be lighter, just add a little water. The chestnut puree recipe is almost ready!
  8. Tip: another way to lighten the chestnut purée is by adding a little more soy cream or milk.
  9. Now that you know how to make chestnut puree, keep in mind that the puree is creamier when hot (as shown in the image), but thickens considerably as it cools. In this way, if you want to serve it cold or warm you can add a little more liquid. Likewise, you can increase the amount of chestnuts if you want to obtain an even thicker consistency. The important thing is to find the point that we like.

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