Chestnut pudding recipe

As you well know, chestnuts are not only used raw, but you can also prepare very good sweets, accompany savory dishes or prepare sauces. Also, with the chestnut season you cannot miss a sweet as rich as this pudding. This is very simple to prepare, the only thing is that it takes time in the oven, but the result is wonderful, with a creamy texture due to the chestnuts and a mild flavor, and the caramel is also ideal.

In this article we teach you how to make chestnut pudding. Don’t miss this recipe!

Ingredients to make Chestnut Pudding:

  • 300 drops of chestnuts
  • 300 nuts of cream or milk cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 grams of sugar (¼ cup)
  • for the candy
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of water
  • 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice

How to make Chestnut Pudding:

  1. To get started with the chestnut pudding recipe, you must first prepare the caramel.
  2. To do this, in a non-stick pan or casserole add the sugar, water and lemon juice, without stirring, leave it on a low heat. When you see that the caramel is forming, move the pan to mix until you get a toasted color.
  3. Trick: if you wish, you can use the caramel that they sell already prepared.
  4. Cover the bottom of a mold suitable for the oven with the caramel and reserve.
  5. Peel the chestnuts, chop and add to a pot with water to cook for about 20-30 minutes or until tender.
  6. When you have the chestnuts cooked, drain them well and place them cooked in a bowl. Next, add the cream or milk cream and crush.
  7. When you have the mixture well crushed, add the sugarand stir. Then, add the eggs one by one and mix well until all three eggs are added.
  8. Trick: if you like it sweeter you can add more sugar.
  9. Acquire the mold where you have added the caramel and carefully pour the pudding mixture. Next, cook in the oven in a bain-marie.
  10. To do this, buy a tray a little larger than the pudding mold, add a couple of glasses of water and place the mold with the mixture. Next, put it in the hot oven at 180ºC with heat up and down.
  11. Add in the center of the oven for approximately 40 minutes.
  12. Tip: chestnut pudding without an oven is also well known, but you should know that it is more delicious in the oven.
  13. When you see that the top of the chestnut pudding is cooked, poke with a toothpick to see if the inside is done.
  14. You should know that if it comes out dry it will already be. Remove the chestnut pudding from the oven and let cool. Place in the fridge for a couple of hours or until serving time.
  15. Unmold and serve. Let’s eat the delicious chestnut flan or chestnut pudding!


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