Chestnut and cheese cake recipe

In confectionery, cakes are a whole world of flavors, textures and varieties. There are many recipes to try and prepare, so this time we tried to prepare a chestnut and cheese cake recipe. Perfect to take advantage of autumn and the chestnut season, we are sure that you will love this cake.

To make it, you will need the ingredients of any cheesecake, the only difference will be the chestnuts that you must previously roast. Read on and discover how to make chestnut and cheese cake, a traditional recipe from grandmother that is very homely and perfect to share at Christmas or on special occasions.

Ingredients to make Chestnut and cheese cake:

  • 300 grams of roasted chestnut
  • 300 grams of semi-skimmed milk
  • 140 grams of raw or brown cane sugar
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • 300 grams of cream cheese
  • 4 egg
  • butter to grease the mold and a 24cm diameter mold
  • to decorate ground sugar along with lemon peel (optional)

How to make Chestnut and cheese cake:

  1. To get started with the baked chestnut tart, first roast the chestnuts if you don’t already have them ready.
  2.  To do it with a great and very effective method that will not waste so much time, make a cut in the chestnut shell and put it in a bag without tying it.
  3. Put the bag in the microwave for three minutes and you will have your chestnuts ready to peel them quickly before they cool completely.
  4. Pour the milk into a saucepan to heatand, in turn, add the peeled chestnuts, add sugar and the vanilla essence, stir and let it boil for 10 minutes so that the mixture of flavors is more intense.
  5. Do not forget to stirbecause the milk can boil and overflow, it is better if you leave the heat medium low.
  6. Go putting the oven to heat in the meantime.Once they have finished cooking the milk with the chestnuts, pass them through a blender glass so that it is well undone and integrated.
  7. Then, add the cream cheese and four eggs right after the cheese to prevent them from curdling if the milk is still hot.
  8. Next, grease a baking pan with butter and pour the mixture you just prepared. This preparation does not usually rise so do not worry if the mold is quite full.
  9. Take to the preheated oven at 170 ºC for 25-30 minutes, put the mold at half height.
  10. Check with a toothpick to see if the cake is done and, if the toothpick still comes out wet, leave it in the oven longer, approximately 10 more minutes.
  11. Always keep an eye on your oven.
  12. The easy recipe for chestnut and cheese cake is almost here!If you don’t have an oven, don’t worry! Follow our no-bake chestnut pie recipe and skip this step.
  13. Once finished making, let it cool to room temperature firstand then put the chestnut cake in the fridge so that it is well refrigerated.
  14. Decorate if you feel like it, this time we opted for a lemon peel and sugar glaze.
  15. To do it, beat a lemon peel together with a glass of white sugar at maximum power. It will serve as decoration and flavoring of the cake.


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