Cheese type bread cake recipe

Fans of the quesillo-type bread cake from many countries credit their land with the creation of this wonderful dessert. In reality, the origin is uncertain and in many places there is a different version of the recipe. Although this is how it is known in Venezuela, this dish is also called flan or bread pudding. Unlike the traditional bread cake, the quesillo has a softer, finer consistency without lumps, so its presentation is much more elegant.

If you want to enjoy a delicious dessert, then look for the ingredients and follow the steps that we propose from this article so you can discover how to make quesillo-type bread cake in a very short time. Let’s do it!

Ingredients to make cheese-type bread cake:

  • 200 grams of bread
  • 600 milliliters of milk (2½ cups)
  • 230 grams of eggs (4 medium eggs)
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 5 milliliters of vanilla
  • 2 grams of candied orange or tangerine
  • 90 grams of sugar (for the caramel)
  • 5 milliliters of rum or artificial rum flavor.

How to make cheese-type bread cake:

  1. It is common that in many recipes they recommend using bread from previous days.
  2. For this recipe for quesillo bread without condensed milk, we suggest using fresh bread, since the taste of aged bread can be unpleasant for demanding palates.
  3. In our recipe we use fresh breads made by ourselves.
  4. After weighing all the ingredients for the cheesecake without butter, bring the milk and cinnamon sticks to the heat.
  5.  Leave the milk just long enough to heat it up, it doesn’t need to boil. Add the vanilla and candied tangerine peel to infuse and extract its flavor.
  6. When the milk is very hot, turn off the heat and add the bread cut into small cubesso that it is fully hydrated.
  7.  Make sure all the bread crumbs are moistened.
  8. While the previous mixture cools, prepare the flan caramel that will cover the entire mold.
  9. For this, place the 90 g of sugar in a quesillera about 20 cm in diameter and 8 cm high, or in any other mold with a lid and with the same dimensions.
  10. Take it to the kitchen over very low heat.
  11. It is important to pay attention at this stage, as the caramel can burn with carelessness and bitter its flavor.
  12. When you get a nice golden color, remove the quesillera from the heat with the help of some kitchen gloves.
  13. It is important that you do not stir with a spoon, simply move the container so that the sugar caramelizes evenly.
  14. Once it is well caramelized, distribute the syrup on all sides of the quesillera. Let it cool. It may sound like the caramel is breaking when it cools.
  15.  It is normal and does not affect the dessert at all.
  16. When the bread is completely hydrated, pour the eggs, sugar, rum (or artificial flavor) and the already well-hydrated bread together with the milk into the blender. Remember to remove the cinnamon sticks.
  17.  Blend very well to obtain a lump-free mixture. Remember that the consistency of the cheese is delicate and smooth.
  18. Now, all that remains is to cook this quesillo-type bread cake without an oven. Pour the mixture into the quesillera -or into the mold you prepared- and cover it very well to prevent water from entering. Place it inside a larger pot and cover the quesillera.
  19. Fill the large pot with water until it reaches about half of the quesillera and heat over medium heat. Let boil for 1 hour 20 minutes, approximately.
  20. While cooking time passes, check the water level two or three times to prevent it from evaporating completely, but do not uncover the quesillera.
  21. After that time, take out the quesillera and insert a knife into your easy quesillo type bread cake.
  22. It should come out a little wet, but without traces of the mixture. Let cool completely before unmolding. Serve cold.


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