Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

If you want to prepare a really easy dish but at the same time irresistibly tasty, do not miss this recipe for mushrooms stuffed with cheese that Deva fanny Alonso Posada has shared with us. It is about mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese, cream cheese and turkey with gratin cheese on top. They are a real delicacy! And they will be ready in less than half an hour so get to work now!

Ingredients to make Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms:

• 1 package of fresh mushrooms

• 1 package of cream cheese

• 1 handful of turkey tacos

• Cabrales cheese

• 1 handful of grated cheese

How to make Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms:

Clean the mushrooms well by removing the trunk and washing them with water. I mix the cream cheese with the turkey and the Cabrales to taste and stuff the mushrooms. I put a little grated cheese on top of the mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese. I put the stuffed mushrooms in the oven preheated to 170 ºC until they are golden. And the cheese stuffed mushrooms are ready to eat!

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