Cheese Stuffed Cannelloni Recipe

Ingredients to make Cannelloni Stuffed with Cheese:

  1. pork stew
  2. A package of cannelloni
  3. Water
  4. Oil
  5. Salt
  6. Mozzarella or Guyanese cheese
  7. Béchamel sauce
  8. Butter
  9. Grated Parmesan cheese

How to make Cannelloni Stuffed with Cheese:

  • A good pork stew is prepared that is juicy. The juice is reserved and with the dry stew.
  • Fill the cannelloni, previously boiled in salted water and a drizzle of oil; also adding a small piece of mozzarella or Guyanese cheese.
  • A béchamel is made, without onion, and a little is served in long, buttered Pyrex and with the rest is added the juice that was extracted from the stew.
  • Reserve to bathe with the rest of the béchamel-stew and add a lot of grated Parmesan cheese, dots of butter and bake at 350ºC until au gratin ready to serve.

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