Cheese Rice Recipe

Ingredients to make Cheese Rice:

  • 2 cups of rice
  • 1/4 kg of fresh cheese
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped chives

How to make Cheese Rice:

  1. Wash and cook the rice with hot milk (without salt) until almost melted.
  2. Turn off the heat, immediately add the coarsely grated or finely diced cheese together with the chives and cover immediately.
  3. Let the rice with creamy cheese rest for about 10 minutes until it melts with the steam.
  4. Uncover the saucepan, and mix vigorously. Add salt if necessary.
  5. Serve the rice with hot grated cheese. This dish is ideal to accompany grilled meats such as this grilled anchor loin or this grilled chorizo ​​steak, for example.

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