Cheese and Anchovy Crostinis Recipe

This is a practical and very simple recipe, with which we can take advantage of “old” bread in another way and prepare recipes other than the traditional French toast. Do not miss it and learn how to easily cook these delicious fried crostinis, you will love them!

Ingredients to make Cheese and Anchovies Crostinis:

  • 1 loaf of bread from the day before
  • 70 grams of Gouda cheese
  • 12 units of canned anchovies
  • 1 unit of Egg

How to make Cheese and Anchovy Crostinis:

1 The first thing we do to prepare the recipe is to cut the bread into slices, leaving a thickness of approximately 1 cm.

2 Then, we cut the slices of cheese and anchovies. We place one or two pieces of cheese on the slice of bread and, on top, a piece of anchovy. We do this step with all the slices to assemble the sandwiches.

3 We beat an egg and bathe each of the crostinis well in it, look at the picture.

4 We put oil to heat and fry each of the crostinis very carefully not to burn ourselves. We must make them on each side so that they brown but do not burn.

5 And ready! We already have our fried cheese crostinis ready to eat. Take advantage! You can accompany them with a warm shrimp salad.

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