Celery Tea for Weight Loss

Ingredients to make celery tea to lose weight:

  1. 1 unit of Celery
  2. 2 liters of water

How to make celery tea to lose weight:

  • In addition to promoting weight loss through the diuretic effect it exerts on our body, celery also helps us lose weight, thanks to its high fiber content. Fiber gives us a feeling of satiety and stimulates the intestinal tract. Thus, this vegetable is ideal for purifying our body and balancing it, as long as it is complemented by a healthy diet.
  • To prepare celery tea to lose weight, you should wash the celery well and cut the white base of the vegetable, so that you only have the stems and leaves.
  • Then, put the water to boil and introduce the previous celery stalks, with their leaves. You should let it cook for half an hour over low heat, so the water will be impregnated with the properties of the celery and you will be able to benefit from them by drinking it.
  • After time, strain the water and reserve it in glass containers. To lose weight, it is best to drink a celery tea in the morning, on an empty stomach, as soon as you get up, and another at night, before going to sleep.

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