Ceba and bacallà sandwich recipe (onion and cod)

Ingredients to make Ceba and bacallà sandwich (onion and cod):

• 3 large onions

• 100g of cod

• Olive oil

• A couple of sandwich buns

How to make Ceba and bacallà sandwich (onion and cod):

The onions are peeled and cut very finely, they are put to fry in the pan where the olive oil has been generously put and when the onion acquires a transparent color, the previously shredded cod is added. Mix well and let it cook over low heat.

It is not necessary to add salt because the cod is put without desalting. When it has been reduced almost by half and has acquired a toasted color, it is that it is already cooked. The loaves are opened and filled with the mixture that must be juicy, hence the importance of the oil, despite the fact that the onion releases its juice.

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