Cauliflower Torrejas Recipe

Cauliflower fritters are a perfect option for a quick and nutritious lunch. And where do the torrejas come from? Well, actually their origin is unknown, but they are consumed in most countries so as not to throw away leftover dishes. To make this recipe for cauliflower torrejas you will need: carrot, egg, cauliflower, Chinese onion or chives, salt, pepper and pepper.

Ingredients to make Cauliflower Torrejas:

• 1 medium carrot

• 1 medium cauliflower

• 1 medium red bell pepper

• 2 branches of Chinese onion or chives

• 1 medium white onion

• 4 eggs

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of bell pepper

• 1 sprig of parsley

How to make Cauliflower Torrejas:

To start with this recipe for cauliflower fritters, first wash the vegetables with plenty of water. In the case of carrots, with the help of a peeler, remove the skin and grate it. Also, cut the Chinese onion into small slices, do the same with the white onion. Finally, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into small squares.

With the help of a knife, cut the cauliflower and add it to a medium pot of boiling water for approximately 8-9 minutes. The smell that cauliflower gives off when it is cooked is usually unpleasant for many people, but there is a trick to get rid of that particular smell, take note: when cooking the cauliflower, add 1 dash of white vinegar. After the time, remove the cauliflower and reserve in a metal container. Separate the yolk from the eggs and with the help of an electric or manual whisk, beat the whites until they reach a stiff peak. In a medium bowl, add the chopped vegetables and cauliflower. Mix with the four egg yolks.

Tip: don’t forget to add pepper and salt.

With a spoon mix the egg whites until stiff, it is important to mix in an enveloping way to avoid loss of air. Place a hot skillet over medium heat with a splash of oil and add a tablespoon of mixture, cook until the cauliflower torreja is golden. The fried cauliflower torrejas are ready, serve with rice or Peruvian sauce. We point out that you can also make cauliflower balls if you do not want to make flat torrejas.

Baked cauliflower fritters

If you cook these cauliflower fritters in the oven, you only have to change the frying step in the pan and place the torrejas in a metal tray to put in the oven for approximately 10 minutes at 170ºC. Keep in mind that you must check them continuously so that they do not burn. Baking in the oven will make this recipe much healthier. In addition, the consumption of cauliflower is beneficial for health, it is an important source of fiber that helps the absorption of iron. For every 100 grams of cauliflower are: 25 calories, 3g of fiber, 77% vitamin C, 20% vitamin K, potassium, manganese, pantothenic acid and phosphorus.

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