Cauliflower Pizza Dough Recipe

There are recipes that surprise you and this is one of them. On paper, cauliflower pizza dough doesn’t look very appetizing, but I assure you, it turns out spectacular. It is very rich and is also lighter than the traditional dough with flour. As if that were not already enough, it is very easy to prepare. we offer you this vegetarian pizza, both for the base and for the filling, with tomato and cheese.

Ingredients to make Cauliflower Pizza Crust:

  1. ½ unit of Cauliflower
  2. 1 unit of Egg
  3. 80 grams of grated cheese
  4. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Cauliflower Pizza Crust:

  • Here we have the ingredients for this cauliflower pizza, just for the base. For a medium pizza, enough for two people, half a cauliflower is enough if it is large, or a whole small one. Grated cheese, which can be mozzarella alone or a combination of mozzarella and another cheese, is, in effect, also for the dough. For the filling you only have to put imagination; in my case, I have included tomato sauce, romance sauce, mental cheese and blue cheese, as well as oregano.
  • First of all, we clean the cauliflower, discard the leaves and grate the white mass with a manual grater or with the chopper. To prepare this homemade pizza dough, next we cook the grated cauliflower in the microwave for eight minutes at maximum power.
  • Tip: Heat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Now we beat an egg and add it to the cauliflower, as well as the grated cheese and a little salt. Mix well to form a homogeneous paste.
  • We line a baking tray with parchment paper and spread the cauliflower dough on it, in the shape we want. As a thickness, I advise you not to exceed one centimeter.
  • We put the vegetarian pizza base in the oven and let it cook for 20 minutes at 180ºC, with heat above and below.
  • The cauliflower pizza is ready, now you just need to add the desired filling on top. In my case, I have opted for a vegetarian pizza: I have spread a first layer of tomato sauce, then I have added another of romance sauce, and on top I have sprinkled grated cheese (a mixture of mozzarella and mental), to finish with some pieces of blue cheese. With the oven at the same temperature but selecting only the grill, I have baked it for five minutes.
  • This is the result of cauliflower pizza dough with a tomato, romance and cheese filling.

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