Cauliflower Couscous Recipe

There are many ways to prepare couscous, but as a general rule, this dish of Arab origin is a very healthy and delicious preparation. On this occasion, in this article we bring you a recipe for cauliflower couscous, a vegan option, healthy and full of vitamins that you cannot miss.

Its preparation is based on vegetables and spices and results in an aromatic dish that you can eat until you are full without feeling guilty. As we know that you will not be able to resist, here we tell you how to make cauliflower couscous so that you discover a balanced meal that is perfect for lunch or dinner. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Cauliflower Couscous:

  •  1 small cauliflower
  •  1 sprig of coriander
  •  1 piece of sweet onion
  •  1 piece of red pepper
  •  1 stick of celery
  •  1 handful of currants or similar
  •  1 carrot
  •  1 piece of cucumber
  •  1 jet of liquid soy, oil and lemon (optional)
  •  1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  •  1 teaspoon of ginger
  •  1 teaspoon cumin
  •  1 teaspoon mint
  •  1 teaspoon ground black pepper

To decorate

  •  Carrot strips
  •  Pinions
  •  Turmeric

How to make Cauliflower Couscous:

To prepare the cauliflower couscous you will only need the top flakes, that is, their flowers, therefore you have to carefully separate each topknot and remove the branch that joins them. In this way, it will be easier to remove a grain similar to semolina, which is the one traditionally used for cous cous.

You can process it as it suits you best, either by grating it or chopping the flakes in the food processor without completely undoing it.

Trick: there are also those who pass a peeler through the cauliflower flakes and thus extract the grains for the couscous.

Now you have to cook the grains already ground. They should not be made too much or they will be very soft and the couscous will not have the consistency of the real grain, so we recommend steaming or steaming them, as long as they are completely drained afterwards.

However you prepare them, add a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon. They will be in 5 minutes if you steam them and, if you prepare them in the microwave, you should leave them for about 3 minutes after the water boils.

Now comes something fundamental in this cauliflower couscous preparation: give it life and flavor by adding vegetables and spices. Cut the vegetables as small as possible and, if you like, add a handful of raisins to give your couscous with vegetables an even more special touch.

Mix everything in the bowl together with the couscous grains and add the spices: pepper, mint, ginger, cumin and cinnamon. Stir carefully and, as we always point out, you can do without an ingredient if you don’t like it.

Continue mixing so that the couscous is perfect and well integrated. Add a dash of soy and twice as much olive oil; stir again and taste for salt. Remember that soy is already salty, so be careful if you add more salt to the recipe.

With everything ready, all that remains is to serve the false cauliflower cous cous. Put it in a cup and turn it on a saucer so that it is in the shape you see in the photograph.

You can use couscous as a side dish or light starter and accompany it with meat, fish or some vegan preparation.

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