Cauliflower and carrot cream recipe

Cauliflower and carrot cream, a rich warm cream ideal for cold days. In addition, it is a plate full of essential vitamins and nutrients to keep our body in perfect condition, such as vitamin A, B vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, calcium and iron.

Creams cannot be missing during the cold season, although the truth is that we can also enjoy them cold during the summer and thus take advantage of their properties throughout the year. They are perfect for a light dinner or to accompany any type of meat or fish and, most importantly, they allow the little ones to consume vegetables. What more can we ask for? Stay with us to learn how to prepare this complete recipe and discover how to make carrot and cauliflower cream.

Ingredients to make cauliflower and carrot cream:

  •  1 cauliflower
  •  2 carrot
  •  1 leek
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  3 tablespoons of olive oil

How to make cauliflower and carrot cream:

Wash and cut the vegetables into similar pieces. Then, heat a little olive oil in a pot, add the chopped leek and, when it begins to colour, add the carrot to fry both ingredients for a few minutes.

Add the cauliflower cut into florets and cover the vegetables with water or vegetable broth. Cook over medium-low heat until the vegetables are cooked. Although the cooking time may vary depending on the type of fire, they will be ready in approximately 20 minutes.

Prick the vegetables with a knife to check if they are cooked. If so, grind them to obtain a homogeneous cauliflower and carrot cream. Put the cream back on the heat, test for salt and rectify if necessary.

Trick: To control the degree of thickness of the cream, remove as much liquid as you can and add it little by little as you grind. In this way, you will add the amount of broth that it needs.

Clever! Serve the cream of carrot and cauliflower hot, warm or cold, as you like! You can add strips of raw carrot, homemade croutons or a splash of oil to enhance the flavor of the dish. As it is a cream without milk or cream, the result is a healthy, light and delicious recipe. Also, remember that it is also a cauliflower and carrot cream for children, since it is full of vitamins and gives them extra energy.

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