Catalina Horse Mackerel Recipe

Ingredients to make Catalina horse mackerel:

  • 4 mackerels of 400/500 g of “gross” weight
  • 1 leek
  • 1 new onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1/2 glass (of those of water) of virgin olive oil
  • 1 dl. of whipping cream (half a minibrick
  • 12 black peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves
  • salted
  • 8 “Quelis” (crunchy rolls made in Inca, Mallorca) or else, slices of fried bread
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 celery stalks

How to make Catalina Trevally:

  1. Ask our fishmonger to evisce, descale, decapitate and debone our horse mackerel.
  2. Leaving only the loins and the fillets below (the heads and spines will be used to prepare a “fumet”.
  3. Although we will not use it today, we will keep it frozen in the fridge for when the occasion comes (4 rasps are a lot of rasps).
  4. We will peel and chop the leek up to where the green begins to be really green.
  5. The zucchini, cut at both ends, we will turn it into slices (without peeling, although having washed it -of course- first).
  6. Cut the onion into 4 quarters after removing the outer layer.
  7. All of the above will go into the pot along with the peppercorns, the split bay leaves, and 1 garlic clove (cut into small slices).
  8. When it has reached the boil, we will put our loins and fillets in the company of the vegetables for about five minutes.
  9. We will remove everything from the pot and put it in a drainer.
  10. We will shred the fish -by hand-, and with the miniquick we will reduce the vegetables to pulp.
  11. We will mix. In a “poele” we will heat the oil and, when it smokes, we will add the other two garlic cloves cut into slices.
  12. When they start to brown, we will add the mackerel paste and our vegetables, and we will sauté.
  13. When we see that it begins to brown, we will remove it from the heat, and in a plate we will mix it with the cream and with an additional drizzle of virgin olive oil
  14. To serve it (it should come out “plated” from the kitchen) we will put 2 “quelis” (or slices of fried bread) per diner.
  15. The corresponding dose of our preparation and 2 tomatoes cut in half, flanking it, as well as some sticks of properly skinned celery.
  16. If you want to add two “piparras” or green chilies in vinegar that are not too spicy, you can.

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