Catalan Samfaina Recipe

Samfaina, or sanfaina, is a very typical vegetable preparation from the area of ​​Catalonia. A dish that is worth us to accompany meat or fish dishes or also eat it alone.

Now is the time to take advantage of the vegetables that we have in the seasonal market, so that a large quantity of homemade samfaina can be made and canned or frozen to have it all year round. It is a dish with a lot of flavor, it is delicious and it is simple to prepare. Keep reading and discover how to make Catalan samfaina.

Ingredients to make Catalan Samfaina:

  •  1 eggplant
  •  2 courgettes
  •  1 red bell pepper
  •  2 green peppers
  •  2 onions
  •  5 ripe tomatoes
  •  3 tablespoons of fried tomato
  •  1 splash of olive oil
  •  1 pinch of salt

How to make Catalan Samfaina:

To start the recipe for vegetable samfaina, put a frying pan with a good splash of oil, chop the onion, the red pepper and the green pepper. When the oil is hot, add the chopped vegetables and let them cook a little.

Meanwhile, we cut the rest of the vegetables, the aubergine and the zucchini, and add the ingredients of the samfaina to the pan.

Peel the tomatoes and chop or grind, we can remove the seeds. When the vegetables in the pan are soft, add the tomato, a little salt and the tablespoons of fried tomato. We let it cook everything until we see that all the vegetables are well done.

If the Catalan samfaina recipe is too dry, you can add a little water and if you like stronger tomato, add more fried tomato. And ready to eat! Now that you know how to make samfaina, what are you waiting for to try it? It is very simple and ideal.

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