Catalan mussels recipe

Ingredients to make Mussels Catalan style:

  • 1 pinch of Thyme
  • 1 kilogram of mussels
  • 5 grams of flour
  • 300 grams of onion
  • 2 branches of parsley
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 150 milliliters of white wine
  • 1 unit of Lemon
  • 75 grams of Butter (⅓ cup)
  • 1 pinch of ground pepper

How to make Catalan Mussels:

  1. We clean the musselswell and put them to cook in a casserole with the white wine, the parsley, the thyme, the bay leaf, a piece of onion and the juice of a lemon.
  2. Once boiled and open, we remove the empty shells. Add a little salt to each of the mussels and let it rest for a few seconds.
  3. Then, we strain the cooking brothand reserve it.
  4. Take a frying pan and heat a little butter.
  5. Chop theremaining onion very finely and lightly brown it in the butter
  6. Sprinkle the flouron top, add the broth from the mussels that we reserved little by little and let cook until a thick cream is obtained.
  7. It is important to stir the mixture frequently with a wooden spoon.
  8. We add pepper and salt to taste, but without going overboard, remember that the mussels already have salt.
  9. Place the Catalan-style mussels on a tray, pour the sauce over the top and bake in the ovenat medium temperature.
  10. When they are ready, we remove them and serve them.
  11. This is a mussel recipefull of tradition and flavor, with which you will surely surprise all your guests.

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