Catalan Fideua Recipe

You can also prepare the Catalan fideuá at home, yes. This traditional recipe from Catalonia made with noodles admits many variants. Here,, we suggest a version with prawns and squid. Yummy!

Ingredients to make Catalan Fideua:

  1. 500 grams of Noodles
  2. 800 milliliters of Squat de escudo
  3. 1 jet of Oil
  4. 1 dessert spoon of sugar
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 unit of onion
  7. 1 unit of green pepper
  8. 2 units of tomato
  9. 300 grams of Squid
  10. 400 grams of Prawns

How to make Catalan Fideua:

  • Here we have the ingredients to prepare the Catalan fideuá. The squat is a fish broth, which you can prepare at home or buy already prepared. Ask the fishmonger to cut the squid into thin rings. As for the prawns, if you prefer you can also opt for prawns.
  • We started with the squid. Put the strips in a saucepan with a little salt and let them cook over a very low heat for 15 minutes. Then we will reserve them.
  • Now we prepare the noodles. To make them crispy, instead of boiling them, brown them in a pan with plenty of hot oil, for about five minutes.
  • The longer you leave them, the toastier and crunchy the fideuá will be. Cooking time depends on how you like it best. When finished, pour them into a large bowl to be able to use the same pan.
  • Trick: Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Now we prepare the sauce. Cut the onion and peppers and fry them in the pan. When the onion has browned, add the tomato, also finely chopped, with a teaspoon of sugar to contrast the acidity. Now season to taste.
  • While the vegetable stir-fry is just cooking, pour the fish squat into a pot and heat it up. Add the prawns and let them cook for a few minutes in this exquisite broth.
  • All the ingredients for the seafood fideuá are already prepared. Now you just have to pour them into a casserole suitable for the oven, which is already hot. Below we extend the soffit.
  • Pour over the squid, well drained, and the noodles, and distribute them evenly.
  • On top we will pour the fish squat with the prawns, and we can now put the pan in the oven.
  • Leave the Catalan fideuá in the oven for 5-10 minutes, depending on whether you like it with more or less bro. When you take it out of the oven, plate it right away and enjoy without wasting a moment.

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