Castilian soup with ham and chorizo ​​recipe

The Castilian soup is one of those traditional recipes that pass from generation to generation and that each house gives it its own touch. It is a variant of garlic soup that includes stronger ingredients such as Serrano ham and chorizo, which provide a significant caloric intake to face the rigors of winter. A good dish of this soup at lunch comforts the most painted and, in addition, it gives an outlet for the remains of stale bread. Take good note of the recipe for Castilian soup with ham and chorizo, the traditional one, which I share and which you will surely repeat more times if you dare to try it at home.

Ingredients to make Castilian soup with ham and chorizo:

  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1¼ liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon sweet smoked paprika
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 pieces of sausage
  • 125 grams of Serrano ham
  • 150 grams of hard bread
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of chorizo ​​pepper meat (optional)
  • 2 eggs

How to make Castilian soup with ham and chorizo:

  1. We start by peeling the garlic and cutting it into thick slices.
  2. We break the bread into pieces, we reserve, and we cut the Serrano ham into cubes and the chorizo​into pieces to be able to start preparing the traditional Castilian soup.
  3. Sauté the garlic in a frying pan over high heat with a splash of hot olive oil. Fry until they begin to color, then remove and reserve.
  4. Add the chorizo ​​pieces to the pan and sauté for a couple of minutes. We take out and reserve.
  5. In the pan off the heat, add the smoked paprika, stir well and add the bread. Mix very well, put the pan back on the heat and continue stirring the bread for two or three minutes. We remove and reserve.
  6. We put a pan on the fire with the water and add the garlic, the chorizo, the ham and the bread sautéed in the paprika that we have in the pan and a teaspoon of chorizo ​​pepper meat. Stir well, cover and let the Castilian soup with ham and chorizo ​​boil for half an hour or 40 minutes.
  7. Taste, rectify salt if necessary and remove from heat. Add the egg without stopping stirring, which will curdle with the heat of the soup. We immediately serve the traditional Castilian soup with ham and chorizo ​​and enjoy it hot. Second, we can opt for a meat dish, such as baked ribs.

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