Cassava ham bread recipe

Ingredients to make Cassava Ham or the masses:

  • 2 cups of cooked cassava
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or coconut oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • To varnish:
  • 1 egg
  • For the filling:
  • 10 slices of pork or turkey ham
  • 6 stuffed green olives
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins

How to make Cassava Ham Bread:

  1. It is important that when buying cassava you always choose the lightest colored ones, because although it does not guarantee 100% quality of the tuber, it generally works. That said, wash the maniocs and cut them in half or into 4 parts. Try to remove any part that is damaged, because otherwise it will harm the dough. Then, place a pot full of water to cover the tubers. When the cassava is tender, remove from the heat. You’ll know it’s done when you poke it with a fork and it comes out smoothly. Drain the yuccas, wait a few minutes for them to lose much of their moisture, remove the shell from each one and immediately remove the white vein from the center and discard.
  2. Trick: You can cook the cassava with or without the shell; it is a matter of taste.
  3. Crush the cassava and prepare a puree with a firm but smooth consistency. In addition, the texture of the puree must be homogeneous and without lumps. Many people ask me: “how to make gluten-free ham bread? Will it be difficult?” Well today you will see that it is very fast and easy. In addition, this ham bread made with cassava is very healthy due to its high fiber content.
  4. Trick: You can mash the cassava with a potato masher, a kitchen helper and even a fork.
  5. Knead the puree with your hands. She adds the oil little by little until it becomes dough and adds a pinch of salt. The final texture of the mix must be homogeneous, consistent and easy to handle. If you find hard parts, you must remove them. This dough is very versatile due to its neutral flavor. In addition to making ham bread with cassava dough, you can use it to prepare gluten-free croissants or gluten-free pizza, among many other options. Wonderful!
  6. Tip: If the dough is too soft and unwieldy, you can resort to placing any of these flours to absorb excess moisture: cassava, cassava or rice starch.
  7. Flatten with a roller, a bottle or glass. Grease the table and the bottle with oil to prevent the dough from sticking. Stretch the mixture until you achieve an even surface without lumps.
  8. Tip: Keep your fingers hydrated with oil too. The amount of oil should be very little, just to moisten.
  9. When the dough is stretched, shape it into a rectangle using a knife and save the excess to decorate the bread later. Arrange the ham evenly on the surface of the dough. Then, at one end, place a row of seedless olives (preferably). Then, generously add raisins throughout the dough. You can close now! To do this, roll the dough slowly and very carefully. Start where you placed the row of olives. Remember to wet your hands with the oil. Seal the ham bread with yucca by closing the ends and folding them up.
  10. Grease a tray or mold with butter (or margarine). Place the bread on top, very carefully, and decorate it. Use the excess dough that you reserved to decorate the ham bread made with cassava. Shape into a ball and then flatten with the rolling pin. Once the dough is flattened, cut some strips and decorate as you like.
  11. Tip: Preheat the oven in advance
  12. Separate the white from the yolk, reserve both separately. Use a brush to glaze the bread. In my case, I used a sprig of parsley to paint because I didn’t have a kitchen brush, but the result is excellent. First, apply a layer of egg white to the surface of the bread. Then, apply a layer of yolk. Ready to bake! Bake the ham bread with cassava dough at 200ºC for 25 minutes or until the crust is tanned.
  13. The cassava ham bread is simply… exquisite! Its texture is very similar to traditional puff pastry. On the other hand, its flavor has a subtle sweet touch… very Venezuelan! Also, this bread is 100% gluten free. Dare to try this delicious recipe, which smells and tastes like Venezuelan Christmas.

Origin of ham bread

It is said that ham bread was born in Caracas in 1905, in a bakery located in the center of that Caracas of yesteryear. His recipe was created by a baker named Gustavo Ramallah, who at that time, in the middle of Christmas, decided to try his luck with a new product. That product was a complete success, so much so that raisins and olives were later added to the original recipe for bread with sweet ham, giving rise to the recipe we know today.

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