Cassava empanadas with chicken recipe

In Venezuela it is common to have breakfast with arepas or empanadas, to start the day well. Accompanied by coffee or a natural juice, they activate anyone. Whether they are empanadas or arepas, they provide consumers with all the necessary nutrients for the first meal of the day: proteins and carbohydrates. For this reason, I recommend them for breakfast.

Cassava empanadas with chicken are delicious for their tender internal texture and crispy exterior. After you try the first one you can’t stop! In addition, you can prepare them fried or baked to make them healthier.

At this article, we offer you this delicious alternative to start the day happy. This recipe for homemade empanadas is very easy to prepare and inexpensive. In addition, it is a perfect alternative for people with intolerance or allergy to gluten. Excellent option!

Cassava starch provides alternatives to celiac cuisine, as it is used to prepare gnocchi, stuffed pastries, breads and cakes. The yucca flavor is delicious, which is why it gives recipes a twist when it comes to tasting. At first, substituting wheat for cassava or any other alternative may seem inconvenient, but in reality, recipes with cassava open the door to thousands of alternatives to the palate.

You can start your exploration by preparing this tasty recipe for empanadas de yuca, which are also a version of the traditional corn empanada. In addition, this alternative helps those who do not have corn flour at some point or are also intolerant to it.

Ingredients to make yucca empanadas with chicken:

  • 3 yuccas
  • 1 chicken breast
  • ½ green bell pepper
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 Lemon

How to make Cassava Empanadas with Chicken:

Wash the yucas very well to prepare the recipe for yucca empanadas with chicken. Cut them in half or in three. Place them in a saucepan with water that covers them completely and cook them.

Trick: The water must cover the yuccas, otherwise parts will remain uncooked.

Wash the chicken breast under the tap and then rub a little lemon on the prey. Have a bowl to marinate the chicken breast. Add salt and pepper, preferably freshly ground. Then chop it into squares. Place the boiled yucas inside the strainer. Wait for it to drain well but don’t let the vegetables get too cold.  First, mash the yucca until it forms a puree. Then, knead until you achieve a homogeneous consistency. Create several balls of dough that are equivalent to future homemade empanadas. Wash, chop and cut the vegetables to prepare the chicken empanadas stew. Sauté onion until caramelized. Then add the vegetables and cook over medium heat. Incorporate the chicken squares, stirring until integrated.

Place a plastic bag on the open work table. Put the dough for empanadas de yuca on the table. Stretch the Venezuelan empanada dough until you achieve something similar to a circle. Place a row of chicken stew right in the middle, not touching the edges of the circle.

Form a semicircle with the dough. Join one edge to the other. Then, place a deep plate on top, cut the shape of the chicken empanadas and remove the excess dough from the edges. Prepare a frying pan with oil, very hot. Put the yucca empanadas with chicken to fry for 5 minutes on each side. What flavor and texture! The yucca empanadas with chicken solve breakfasts, quick lunches, dinners and snacks.

Origin and properties of cassava:

Cassava is a plant of Amazonian origin, which has wonderful nutritional and gastronomic qualities. In indigenous mythology, yucca was known as the tree of life. Much has been known about the so-called “corn civilization”, because perhaps the “cassava civilization” should be recognized, due to its importance in the diet of many native peoples. In the past, cassava was the protagonist in the daily diet of Venezuelans, which today shares honors with corn.

The nutritional properties of cassava are well known by many. This tuber is rich in complex carbohydrates, making it the perfect complement to a balanced diet. In addition, for people who need to lose kilos, cassava is a powerful resource to fill up. In addition, this tuber has enough fiber to help the body achieve excellent intestinal transit.

The energetic power of cassava makes it an ideal food for athletes, students and anyone whose physical and mental exhaustion is great. Although recommended for all ages, children and adolescents will find great nutritional contributions for their growth, in this tuber. Likewise, celiac people benefit from cassava and its derivatives in their daily diet as it is a nutritious alternative to wheat.

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