Cassava empanadas with cheese recipe

Within Caribbean gastronomy, a classic is empanadas, in particular, Venezuelan empanadas, almost always fried, are the typical breakfast of many and the best thing is that there are as many varieties as there are flavors and dishes we can find.

This time, we teach you how to prepare a variation of the traditional recipe, since we will make empanadas without flour. The empanadas are normally made with corn flour, but this time we will make them with cassava, but not with flour but directly with a cassava puree in an easy and quick way that will result in empanadas with an exquisite flavor and a crunchy texture on the outside. And soft inside.

Keep reading and discover how to make some delicious cassava empanadas with cheese with just three ingredients and if you don’t like cheese, don’t worry, follow the recipe and change the filling to your liking.

Ingredients to make yucca empanadas with cheese:

• 3 large yuccas

• 1 pinch of salt

• 300 grams of cheese

How to make yucca empanadas with cheese:

To make the dough for our empanadas without flour, the first thing to do is boil the yuccas in a pot. Wait between 20-30 minutes, until the yucca is tender. Drain the yuccas very well with the help of a strainer. It is important that you remove all the excess moisture and water well, otherwise the dough will not have the right consistency to make the empanadas.

Next, prepare a puree with the cassava, grinding all the pulp very well, without the shell. Knead until you achieve a smooth and homogeneous mixture, with a good consistency for the dough of cheese empanadas.

Knead the puree, until creating a homogeneous mass. It is important for the texture that there are no lumps, it is not very sticky or brittle. Divide the dough into balls and spread out in a circle on a sheet of plastic or transparent paper, as seen in the photo. Place the cheese filling in the center, making sure that it does not touch the edges of the circle.

To close the empanadas, join the edges of the dough until it forms a semi-circle or half-moon. Cut with a deep plate to obtain the shape of the Venezuelan empanadas or crush the edges with the help of a fork. To cook the yucca empanadas, heat a pan with enough oil and fry from side to side until you see that the empanadas are golden and crispy, about 5 minutes per side will suffice. Irresistible! These Venezuelan empanadas… Mm! Cassava empanadas with cheese are ideal for those who cannot consume gluten or want more fiber in their diets.

Some facts about cassava

Cassava is a plant of Amazonian origin, which has wonderful nutritional and gastronomic qualities. In indigenous mythology, yucca was known as the tree of life. Much has been known about the so-called “corn civilization”, because perhaps the “cassava civilization” should be recognized, due to its importance in the diet of many native peoples. In the past, cassava was the protagonist in the daily diet of Venezuelans, today it shares honors with corn.

The energetic power of cassava makes it an ideal food for athletes, students and anyone whose physical and mental exhaustion is great. Although recommended for all ages, children and adolescents will find great nutritional contributions for their growth, in this tuber. Celiac people benefit from cassava and its derivatives in their daily diet as it is a nutritious alternative to wheat.

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