Cassava Dough Recipe for Pizza

We take you to South America so that you can discover a magnificent proposal for the traditional pizza dough: the cassava dough pizza. You will not be able to detect the difference because this cassava-based pizza dough is neutral, exquisite and also perfect for celiac people because it is gluten-free.

In addition, cassava benefits everyone equally thanks to its high fiber content. A delicious, nutritious and very healthy food. On the other hand, this cassava pizza dough is much easier to prepare than any other type of dough. Let yourself be carried away by the versatility of cassava and its benefits!

Ingredients to make cassava dough for pizza:

  1. 1 kilogram of cassava (manioc)
  2. 40 grams of butter
  3. 100 grams of white cheese (fresh cheese)
  4. 1 handful of oregano (to taste)
  5. ½ teaspoon salt

How to make Cassava Dough for Pizza:

  • Wash and cut the cassava into medium pieces. Meanwhile, he prepares a pot of water and waits for it to boil. When the water boils, he introduces the yuccas.
  • Drain the cassava once cooked until all the water comes out.
  • While the cassava is still hot, prepare a puree.
  • Tip: The consistency of the puree should be soft but consistent.
  • Add the cheese, butter, oregano(optional) and salt and pepper to taste to the puree.
  • Knead the puree until it reaches the consistency of dough. The resulting cassava pizza dough should not stick excessively to your hands, nor should it crack. If it cracks you must add fat, it may be oil. If, on the other hand, it is very sticky, you should add some type of gluten-free flour: corn starch (cornstarch), cassava/cassava/tapioca starch or corn flour.
  • Use a previously greased mold (butter or oil), although it is preferable to use a non-stick mold. Spread the cassava pizza dough to cover the entire surface.
  • Tip: If the dough is left with very thin parts, add more by crushing with your fingers and integrating well.
  • Spread the tomato sauce you want on the surface of theyucca dough pizza. Bake between 170 or 200 ºC, it also depends on your oven. Wait 5 minutes, a little more or less, depending on your preference in consistency.
  • Trick: More time, more crispy but you must watch the cooking; otherwise the cassava pizza will burn.
  • The fun part has arrived! The coverage. This depends exclusively on your taste; the limit will be your imagination. Personally for this occasion I chose to use: ham, mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, oregano and a drizzle of olive oil. Then, bake again but only for a minute.. Boon appetite!
  • You already checked how easy it is to prepare this cassava dough for pizza… Now to practice at home!

How does cassava pizza originate?

It is said that the first pizza emerged in the city of Naples (Italy) at some point in the 17th century. Today it is one of the most famous foods in the world but the story does not stop there. Thanks to the constant cultural exchange with the so-called New World, a new type of cuisine is produced that is added to the mestizo cuisine, this modality is known as fusion cuisine. Many Italian immigrants arrived in America as a result of the war, especially in South America (Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina) where pizza finds a new ingredient that enriches it: cassava.

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