Ingredients to make CARRETERO STEW:

  • 4 strips of carinas, more or less 1/2 kilo
  • 3/4 rice
  • 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 liter of water, add more if necessary
  • 1/2 glass white wine or “cane”


  1. The carter stew is a meal (dinner) that in the past was prepared by the “horsemen” who carried “troops” (moving animals from one place to another).
  2. It is a simple, rich meal and it satisfies you a lot. This is what the riders did because it has few ingredients and is fast. Also because they use ingredients that do not decompose, such as carina (dried meat), oil, rice and garlic.
  3. Chop the carina into small squares (it is good that the carina has some fat, all the meat is already dry and the fat is not cloying), heat 2 tablespoons of oil in an “iron” pot, then add the chopped carina, fry well, but very well until the gorduritas are very red.
  4. There pour the 1/2 glass of wine or cane, turn it over and over until the alcohol evaporates.
  5. Add 1 glass of water and just add the garlic there (this is done this way so that the garlic does not burn and sour the food), keep turning it over and over, then add the liter of water, cover and let it boil.
  6. When you notice that the carina is already soft, add the rice, turn it over with a spatula, cover and let it boil for 12 minutes.
  7. If more water is needed, add hot water.
  8. I personally love that it has a lot of play
  9. It can be accompanied with farina or if you can make the farina a rich “menu” that is much lighter than the starch.
  10. Also, do not forget that this food comes out richer if the IRON POT is used and also if it is made with WOODS, or if it is not possible, you could also use CHARCOAL BRAZIER.

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